In the season finale of Something True, we crack the seal on Jack Parsons—a legendary rocket scientist, drummed out of the profession for his overbearing interest in the occult magick of Aleister Crowley. Parsons devoted his early retirement to a full-throated study of the arcane arts. His ambitions were nothing less than to coax an ancient, beautiful goddess from her primal dimension into the spare bedroom of his Pasadena bungalow. Everything proceeded to plan, until Parsons made a famous friend who would not only change his life, but the world... and all the worlds beyond.

Read a full transcript of this episode on the Something True website.

Follow Something true on Twitter @atruepodcast. (Or just follow Duncan and Alex.)

Music on this week’s episode:

Anamorphic Orchestra – Stop the Clocks

Pictures of the Floating World – Ash Gray*

David Szesztay – Cheese

Cory Gray – Medieval Tension 60s*

Pictures of the Floating World – Cold*

Paniks – Clavire

Pictures of the Floating World – A Thousand Stars*

*modified for the podcast.

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