In today's short Reboot Episode, there is a major change-up to the host roster. Melanie Benson is bowing out due to time constraints and Doug Sandler is bowing in since the police have removed the restraints.

In addition to that, we share about our upcoming episodes, some new ideas for topics you may like, and a look forward to where we want to take the show.

Also (drum roll, please)... we have launched our Instagram page ands would love it if you'd follow us there:

Enjoy the show!

Don’t forget to subscribe to the Something to Wine About podcast so that you don't miss a single episode. While you're at it, please take a moment to write a short review and rate our show. It would be greatly appreciated!

To learn more about wineries we’ve visited, listen to past episodes, and get to know your hosts, go to and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.