This week, the always hilarious 'Zesty' Zac Innes drops in on us, and we talk about cigarette packaging,  colostomy bags, Tom's love life, boy bands, gender politics, holodeck technology, PlayStation AllStars: Battle Royale, Tokyo Jungle, the adventures of Zac's Sim Philip McFly, and a horrific game of RollerCoaster Tycoon.

In SSST: Nintendo cuts Wii console prices, Tom tries to get minors to blow him, Microsoft releases Xbox sales figures, the next Mass Effect game won't feature a Shepard re-hash, Nihilistic Software move away from boxed games, and Deadly Premonition gets a PS3 release.

In Ask SSJ: We talk about our love lives again, classic jokes, cannibalism, sex with cartoon characters, fetishes, crappy Halloweens, crime sprees, weird things to masturbate to, definitive proof that evolution is a lie, and our take on the classic hypothetical - would you fuck or fight your clone?


Kurt Vonnegut - Born Ruffians

SSJ Theme 2 - Xavier Rubetzki Noonan

Gh00lz of Br00klyn - FB5K / CC BY-NC 3.0

flying above a snowfield - areographe


Sea Of Lies - Edema Ruh

(Want your track featured? Email us at [email protected]!)

CLICK HERE to download!

we need to create an video game animal known for its speed! A HEDGEHOG! sounds great i woulda went with cheetah but whatever time for lunch

Check out Zac's podcast, Gaming Cult. It's really good. For real.

Add Xavier on PSN: xavierrn

Add Sandsky on XBL: colourfast

FREE ADVICE: Don't get the Wheat bread at Subway. It's fucking dry as shit.