This week, we're joined once again by the very funny Andrew Hastings, as well as SSJ newcomer (but Sydney comedy mainstay) Runi Talwar! We pick out some primo catch-phrases, dish on bears, and address some of the criticism we've faced for the representation of different groups on our program. Plus... we premiere a new segment called Meme Minute... and we also play a round of our classic game That Sounds Good, What's That About?


Another beek beep beer please: Rolemusic (CC BY 3.0)

SSJ Theme 3000: Xavier Rubetzki Noonan

53: March of the Real Fly

TSGWTA Theme: Xavier Rubetzki Noonan


This week's feature track comes to you from an exciting new Sydney band called Morning TV. The four-piece are currently recording their much-anticipated debut release, and if you want to keep up-to-date, you can find their Facebook page here. For a high quality, name-your-price download of this week's feature track, the totally gorgeous Morning, head to their Bandcamp page!

CLICK HERE to download!

Click here to grab tickets out Andrew's Adelaide Fringe show, with previous SSJ guests Dan Muggleton & Sam Kissajukian, and follow Andrew on Twitter @AndrewHastings

Click here for info on Runi's monthly sketch show Sketchy At Best, and follow Runi on Twitter @RuniTalwar!

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