This week, it's time once again for our very special Game Of The Year Edition, in which we pick apart the year that was 2015. It's very trendy to have lists of your top favourite things too, so we look back at some of our favourite movies, games, music, podcasts, and more. Plus, we drop a very big announcement! No joke, it's a really big one. It's not that part where we admit to being Men's Frights Activists, it's after that, and it's a real thing that is real and big. Thanks for listening!


SSJ Theme 3000: Xavier Rubetzki Noonan

Magi Fuel: Cull


We are lucky enough to be playing tracks from Sydney band Cull's brand-new LP 'Aloft', which is an absolutely gorgeous mix of psych, shoegaze and dream-pop. Our feature track for this week is the super-groovy track The Quality of Being Lifelike. You can get the whole stunning album, plus Cull's impressive back-catalogue, on their Bandcamp page for very reasonable prices!

CLICK HERE to download!