This week, we're joined once again by our old friend James Colley, and we dig deep to learn about the man behind the laughter. Plus, we discuss gift-wrapping, Kelsey Grammer, and tagging the moon, before jumping into another round of That Sounds Good, What's That About? (in which we forget all about #Proud Daddy and also forget about "wheezing the ju-uice", sorry).


SSJ Theme 3000: Xavier Rubetzki Noonan

Evie: Cub Sport

TSGWTA Theme: Xavier Rubetzki Noonan


This week we're privileged to be playing Brisbane-based band Cub Sport's brand-new single Only Friend, the first cut from their forthcoming LP This Is Our Vice, which is available for preorder on a variety of formats here. A preorder of the album will get you a high quality download of Only Friend plus two bonus tracks! That's just good bloody business!

CLICK HERE to download!

Email Tom or Xavier or both!

Check out Gruen, Wednesdays at 8:30pm on ABC as well as Ghost Stories, this Tuesday 13/31 at Giant Dwarf!