This week, we're joined by the very funny 'Huge Old Boss' Dan Muggleton, as we discuss zoos, Heroes, and Dan's pre-cult origins. Plus, we premiere Twin Speaks, play a very meta round of That Sounds Good, What's That About?, and discover our new alter-egos, Hyphen & the Sandstorm!


SSJ Theme 3000: Xavier Rubetzki Noonan

FF 2.0: Shaky Handz


Sydney's SHAKY HANDZ have been described as "super chill dudes", and they specialise in catchy, ultra lo-fi punk tunes. Their just-released debut album 'CELEBRITY MAKE ME A SANDWICH' is packed with memorable moments. You can download it, or get on that sweet cassette business on their Bandcamp. This week's feature track is 'NOT SAFE IN THE CITY'. Yummy!!!

CLICK HERE to download!

Email Tom or Xavier or both!

Follow Dan on Twitter! @DanMuggleton

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