Baltimore has Tupac, Frank Zappa, Billie holiday, Cab Callaway, John Waters….quirky originals who were trailblazers. When you talking about legends and Bmore, you have to add the KBB to impressive list. Voted the #1 Blue Band in the Region for 12 years in a row!
Kelly Bell Band is gumbo at its best, parts blues, southern gospel, rap, r&B, heavy metal, old school, and cutting edge creativity. They are more than just a blues band, the KBB vision thing is throwing out the genres and the label, and just find the groove and then building a masterpiece around it.
KBB’s new recording “Know My Name” is out on CDBaby and they are blowing people away with their leadoff single, “Long Train”. They are touring in the region over the summer, so check out their website for locations, and I have to admit…they have some reasonability priced and cool looking merch on their site, and you can get there whole catalogue for only 100.00 which I believe it is a steal.
So, the intro is over, let’s chat with Kelly Bell.