Rod told me, "If this is love then I don't want any part of it!" Later in his life he found love for the first time.

Welcome to Volume 3 of “Good Stuff” brought to you by the folks that give you, “SOMETHING…came from Baltimore”. This mix does a couple of things. 1. Brings new music to music fans who are searching for new and exciting artists. 2. Discounts the myth, that all new music is crap. 3. Provides an easy digestible stream of music for your commute, the gym, or in your car. 4. This is a tribute to a friend of mine, “Rod Durham” RIP who was a big music fan and we would create “Mix-tapes” and mail them to each other and then call each other up to discuss them. I called my “Mix-tapes”, “Good Stuff” hence the title of this mix. I miss this guy so much and it tears me up to write about him.
Rod told me, “if this is love, then I don’t want any parts of it!”. He found love later in life!
1. Beach House – “Dark Springs”
2. Carl Hanock Rux – “Asphalt Yards”
3. Flatbush Zombies – “Headstone”
4. NapEyes – “I’m Bad”
5. Bodega – “How did this happen?”
6. Hawktail – “In the Kitchen” – Interview with Hawtail is available on SCFB.
7. Matthew’s Southern Comfort – “The Age of Isolation”
8. Van Morrison/Joey DeFranceso – “You’re driving me crazy”
9. John Maus – “Dumpster Baby”
10. Gerald Albright – “4 on the Floor” – Interview with Gerald Albright is available on SCFB.
11. Thugga Massina – “Posion”
12. Blue Water Highway – “Best Friend”
13. Kamasi Washington – “Street Fighting Mas”
14. Gaslight Anthem – “Miles Davis of the Cool”
15. Oldem Yolk – “Vital Sign”
16. Rainbow Kitty Surprise – “Fever Pitch”
17. Kimbra – “The Good War”