Vault Episode Ordinally Aired 2/16/2018
I met some great people since I moved to Baltimore, but they have moved on since then.  All of my friends have left. People keep moving out, Baltimore is now at a “Century Low” in population. While other cities are seeing an uptick, DC, Philly, and Boston; like Randy Newman wrote, “the city is dying, and we don’t know why.  Crime, lack of jobs, visual hopelessness and despair are a couple reasons for the mass exit, stage left. That is why I thought of this segment, “Leaving Baltimore”.  I actually wanted to have a long form hour and a half special segment on this topic, but for now 14 mins will do for now.  I asked 8 of my friends who left me, “Why did you do it?”  They are all under 40 years old, bright, educated….and continual brain drain lose for the city. The following voices that participated in this episode is:  Dean Howell, Corey R. Scales, Michelle Ingradi, Rob Turner, James Faulkner, Kyle Jackson, Jason Simmons, and Heather Hooper Martin.  This episode is called “Leaving Baltimore”

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