00:00:00 - Intro

00:09:21 - Game Master

00:37:14 - Adkins Report

00:49:31 - Room Climbers

00:52:37 - Apollo Legacy

01:12:48 - Recommendations

Corridor Digital on Adkins, https://youtu.be/RbxF-s5dvCQ, https://youtu.be/DEXEKq7qTlA

documentaries: Apollo 11, Mission Control, and Last Man on the Moon, 13 Minutes to the Moon Podcast 

01:24:06 - Bonus: Tenet and Daanish's brilliant invention


[email protected]


Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPFn5vyNe-6kUfZv_4Zqc0Q/

Theme music by Mariachi Entertainment System

Disclaimer: Daanish Syed and Dan Weiland are employees of Warner Brothers Entertainment Group ("WBE"), and any feedback and opinions are solely their own.