As was foretold...we're back! Mike and Kit catch-up on the seasonal Path of the Splicer quest, resume their Consensus callout posting, and question when exactly is the summer Solstice in the Destiny universe?

Things discussed: Our week "off," follow-up from episode 13 Destiny comic collection (redux), Twilight Gap, the problem with adaptation, Crota and Savathun controlling a gate, Dust lorebook entry - The Gate, Stolen Intelligence lorebook entry - Cocytus, Beneath the Endless Night book entry VII - Ripe, an addendum to our previous recommendation of Jason Schrier's book, Path of the Splicer VII, Path of the Splicer VIII, Beneath the Endless Night book entry VIII - Gilded Knives, Beneath the Endless Night book entry IX - Prediction, Lakshmi-2 wants to 'drain the swamp,' Expunge: Delphi, encountering Quria: Blade Transform, how we feel it compares with Will of the Thousands (Xol strike), seasonal storylines becoming more central, pacing and timing of Season of the Splicer lore, Ikora Rey, Mithrax, and Lakshmi's weeks 7- 8 dialogue, Kit's thoughts on each of them, collaboration between fascists and liberals to maintain the status quo in the Tower, We Are Huge Sticklers, Solstice of Heroes event, the summer Solstice, Master Vault of Glass, updates in the Botsa Ruins/Eliksni Quarter, Compass Rose shotgun lore tab, Eva's Journey lorebook, Butterfly Meme Update: Osiris, Savathun's goal, Bungie's "Save the Date", preview for next week, Mobile Suit Gundam (1979)

Intro Music: Unfunky UFO by Parliament

Outro Music: Gallant Char by Takeo Watanabe and Yūshi Matsuyama

Hope for the Future by Paul McCartney

Cover Art by Jez Winters @jez_winters

Podcast Name by Michael Moldovan

Email us: [email protected]

Mike's contact info: @macclubbin,

Kit's contact info: @kit_boyote


Destiny Comics reader (click the icon that looks like an open book to select issues)

Jason Schrier's Bad Article

"Go through the wall" gameshow

"Talking the Spirit Realm," Yu Yu Hakusho podcast @WatchingSpirits

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