Welcome back for episode 19 of Some Like It Scott. On today's episode, the two Scotts take cracks at reviewing two recent releases in the form of the Anna Kendrick & Blake Lively thriller, A Simple Favor, and the Glenn Close & Jonathan Pryce drama, The Wife. After wrapping up discussions of both of those films, the two Scotts briefly discuss some recent TV the two have been watching, before re-casting the DCEU in light of the news of Henry Cavill's departure as Superman. Finally, the two Scotts wrap things up with a bit of news. See timecodes below:

4:41 - A Simple Favor
38:48 - The Wife
1:14:24 - What else we've been watching (American Vandal & Bojack Horseman)
1:23:37 - Discussion topic: Re-cast the DCEU
1:49:58 - News round-up

Next time: Venom & A Star Is Born

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