When I first found out that the Nourish + Flourish podcast was be coming to an end, I had a mix of emotions. First and foremost, I was extremely happy for Betsy because I knew this was a necessary step in her personal journey. In my heart, I knew it was time for her to embrace her calling and move in a new direction. Once the initial wave of excitement for her had settled, I began to realize how much I was going to miss the podcasting medium. That year of talking, connecting, and stretching was transformational and I wasn't quite ready to say goodbye. I spent a lot of journaling, meditating, and thinking about my next steps and the thing I kept coming back to was podcasting. I let myself sit with the idea for a long time; I thought about the topics I was interested in and wanted to explore in more depth and about the kind of guests I'd want to have on the show. And then, as I was reading The Gratitude Diaries* by Janice Kaplan, I came across a passage toward the end where she shared the phrase, some kind of magic. And that's when I knew. THAT phrase was the perfect way to describe how I viewed the unfolding of my life and the way in which tools like gratitude, meditation, mindset work, and creativity had shaped my life. So I made a list of the topics I wanted to focus on and the people I already knew who were experts on those topics and began to reach out. I thought that I would get a handful of yeses and could take it from there. The keyword here, a handful. Turns out almost every single person that I reached out to was a resounding yes and absolutely thrilled to be a part of it because they were so inspired by the idea. That's when shit got real. This was no longer a simple idea or thought running through my head. It was the thing that I would propel me into the new year and give my life a deeper sense of purpose. This podcast is going to be a life-changer for me — I can just feel it in my bones. And I am thrilled to see what comes about as a result. So take a listen to this introductory episode to learn more about what everyday magic really is, how this podcast came to be (and where the name came from), along with the kind of topics I'll be diving deep into over the course of the podcast. I’d love to hear from you! Who do you want me to interview and learn more from through the Some Kind of Magic podcast? And what topics do you want me to delve deeper into, either for the interviews or the quick tip episodes? The Episode: Resource Links: The Gratitude Diaries* by Janice Kaplan Some Kind of Magic on Apple Podcasts, Google Play Music, and Stitcher Hit me up: Twitter: @emilylevenson and #somekindofmagic Instagram: @emilylevenson and #somekindofmagic FB Page: Emily Levenson

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