I sat down with Vana Feliciano —painter, podcaster and imperfect planeteer — to talk about what it means to be conscious and to live in alignment with your values and dreams. Vana shares about how she got to this place of understanding and what flow, ease, and alignment really mean for her. She also provides a wealth of tools to help others on their journey of conscious living. I have a feeling that this episode will not only leave you feeling inspired but will arm you with the tools you need to bring more conscious awareness into your daily life.

I’d love to hear from you!

What stood out most from Vana’s interview? What's one thing you can do today to be more conscious of how you're thinking and feeling?

Topics Discussed: An introduction to Vana Feliciano and the work she does How Vana's concern for the planet led to extreme changes in her life Health concerns, becoming a step-parent, and how those two things impacted her life Where conscious living first showed up and how it impacted Vana on her journey What conscious living looks and feels like How negative energy and anger are toxic to the body When our body speaks to us — how to listen and do what we can to nourish it Beginning with the intention to pay attention Why Vana says that messing up has become one of her favorite things to do The power of mindfulness and intention when it comes to our interactions Flow, ease, alignment and the ways in which we knock ourselves out of it How our perceptions shape our reality Gratitude, Morning Pages, and the other tools Vana uses to be more conscious and intentional The fluidity of life and allowing yourself to choose what feels right in the moment What everyday magic looks and feels like to Vana Resource Links: Connect with Vana Feliciano online: Instagram | Facebook | thequietbrave.com Quiet Brave Radio Alt Summit Institute for Integrative Nutrition* (IIN) The Secret DVD* / Book* Ask and It Is Given* by Esther and Jerry Hicks Morning Pages The Artists Way* by Julia Cameron The Dirty Heads


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