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Building a business not only requires a great idea and a lot of hard work but it also requires you to adopt healthy habits as a founder. Unfortunately, there are some habits that if left unchecked can have detrimental effects on your business’ growth and sustainability. This week’s episode of the Entrepreneur to Employer podcast is about the 7 habits of founders that might actually kill your business!

In this episode, Brian shares some of the habits that founders may not even realize they’ve adopted to, at the very least, make you realize you have these habits so you can better understand what you can do to fix them. 

The 7 habits Brian covers in this episode include:

Falling into the “do everything” syndrome- Getting trapped in working in the business trying to do everything yourself and failing to work ON the business. Fear of delegation- Delegation is required in order to grow your business and expand into your role as a leader. Having an “I know best” attitude- You want to be hiring people into your team to fill the gaps in your knowledge and help propel your business forward. The “no time” issue- Every founder feels like they don’t have extra time to spare, however, it is imperative that we make time for strategic planning and growth. Creating a “no feedback and coaching” culture- Feedback is crucial for both personal and professional growth and your employees are going to look to you to receive it. Taking a “no HR” foundation approach- If you neglect the basic HR practices in your business you’ll run into a heap of challenges from employee dissatisfaction to legal issues. Not being open to adapting- Change is inevitable and businesses that fail to adapt will fall behind or go out of business. 

Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode or found any of the information helpful, check our website to learn more, and be sure to follow, rate, and review the podcast!

Tune in to more episodes to keep up with the latest trends in HR leadership and organizational effectiveness and tips on how to develop and lead a high-performing team!

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As a business coach, I see 6 critical mistakes that founders and business owners make.

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