When you have an underperforming employee, not only do they divert the attention away from your goals in order to pick up the slack, they become an HR risk when not addressed and managed properly. This week’s episode of the Entrepreneur to Employer podcast is about the 5 question framework to resolve underperforming employee issues!

In this episode, Brian breaks down the 4 points on the underperformance spectrum to help you get to the root cause of why your employee is not meeting expectations. At the end of the day, the question is not how to handle an underperforming employee but rather, why are they underperforming in the first place?

The 5 questions to ask when getting to the root cause of an underperforming employee are:

Have I as the employer given them the proper resources to perform their job?Have I as the employer given them the proper training and has the employee applied this training to their job?Does the employee have the desire to succeed in this role?Does the employee have the ability to succeed in this role?If after asking the previous 4 questions you’re still not able to pinpoint a reason the employee is underperforming and come up with a plan,  it is time to ask yourself, is this working?

As the employer, it is your responsibility to address and come up with a solution to correct or part ways with an underperforming employee. If you don’t, you’re going to be looking at a much bigger business risk by letting the problem continue.

Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode or found any of the information helpful, check our website to learn more, and be sure to follow, rate, and review the podcast!

Tune in to more episodes to keep up with the latest trends in HR leadership and organizational effectiveness and tips on how to develop and lead a high-performing team!


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