In this episode of the Solutions With David Ansara podcast, I speak with former oil and gas executive, Niall Kramer, about energy security in South Africa.

This conversation was prompted by the recent closure of South Africa's largest fuel refinery, Sapref. While SA can still import fuel into the country, what will the decline of our local refining capability mean for the cost and quality of fuel at the pump?

Niall and I also explore the broader energy regulatory framework in SA, and whether it is fit for purpose.

Recent gas discoveries at Brulpadda and off the coast of the Transkei have the potential to radically transform our energy mix in South Africa, Niall says. However, activism from environmentalists is holding up this exploration activity, and our policy framework is also inhibiting our ability to harness these natural endowments. 

We also discuss whether SA ought to be moving towards renewable energy and what role natural gas could play in alleviating our chronic electricity shortages.


(00:00) Introduction

(00:44) Niall Kramer on the closure of the Sapref refinery

(04:26) Niall Kramer on the cost and quality of fuel in SA

(08:48) Niall Kramer on harnessing SA's local gas resources

(16:36) Niall Kramer on energy policy in SA

(20:53) Niall Kramer on global energy prices

(23:11) Niall Kramer on fixed vs. flexible fuel pricing

(24:51) Niall Kramer on PetroSA

(26:36) Niall Kramer on the future of energy in SA

(28:53) Niall Kramer on renewable energy

(34:10) Conclusion