David Ansara speaks with Marian Tupy, editor of www.HumanProgress.org, about how the world is better off than we think it is and why we shouldn't take this progress for granted.   

(0:56) How absolute poverty is declining around the world 

(5:38) Income inequality and economic progress 

(10:20) Population growth and natural resources 

(16:18) Is global warming a genuine threat? 

(21:45) COVID-19 and government responses to the pandemic 

(25:08) Democracy and economic development 

(29:40) The threats to progress in South Africa 

(33:04) Political polarization in the United States 

(38:07) Property rights and the rule of law 

(42:26) How individuals can preserve progress.   

READ 'Ten Global Trends Every Smart Person Should Know: And Many Others You Will Find Interesting' by Marian Tupy and Ronald Bailey: https://www.amazon.com/Global-Trends-Every-Smart-Person/dp/1948647737