What is the relationship between Islam and liberal democracy? How can Muslim countries achieve greater degrees of political competition, adherence to the rule of law and a separation of power between religion and state?  

In this episode of the 'Solutions With David Ansara' podcast, I speak to Professor Hussein Solomon, Head of the Department of Political Science at the University of the Free State, about the problem of radical Islam today and the countervailing forces of moderation and secularisation in the Muslim world.  

Prof. Solomon and I also discuss whether democracy is an exclusively Western idea, the role of political institutions and economic growth in creating fertile conditions for democracy to flourish, and the security threat posed by extremist Islamic insurgencies in Sub-Saharan Africa.   


(0:00) Intro

(0:19) The problem of radical Islam today

(3:22) Islamist movements vs. moderate Islam

(7:03) Reconciling Islam with liberal democracy

(12:16) The role of political institutions  

(14:21) Does economic prosperity lead to democracy?

(15:62) The counterexample of China

(19:29) The politics of North Africa post-Arab Spring

(25:27) How to foster a culture of democracy

(30:47) What role should Western countries play in promoting democracy in the Muslim world?

(34:10) Radical Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa

(39:30) How South Africa should respond to terrorism  

(43:20) Sectarian divisions in the Muslim world

(47:16) Conclusion

WATCH this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/yb9id72Ivy8