In this episode of the Solutions With David Ansara podcast, I speak with independent crime researcher, David Bruce, about why South Africa should adopt a more decentralised model of policing. 


(00:00) Introduction

(01:01) David Bruce on South Africa's current policing system

(03:48) David Bruce on the problems with a centralized police system

(06:42) David Bruce on the constitution and policing

(11:50) David Bruce on devolved policing

(17:30) David Bruce on police reform

(22:24) David Bruce on improving police governance 

(25:15) David Bruce on community policing

(31:31) David Bruce on the politics of policing

(37:18) David Bruce on the benefits of decentralization


'SA requires more focused, nuanced provincial and metro policing responses to combat violent crime' by David Bruce (Daily Maverick, 7 February 2022):