Previous Episode: Serving the Body

In the sermon this past Sunday, we looked at the second part of our internal mission as a church: to love one another. In 1 John 3, we were challenged by the truth that the way we love one another greatly impacts the Mission we are on and is a primary identity marker for the Church. Jesus told us that we will be known by the world as his disciples by how well we love one another. In contrast to the pop culture perspective on love, the Bible defines and measures love by willing sacrifice. Love is the willful choice to lay your life down for someone else. This means laying down our agendas, our preferences, our pet peeves, our to-do lists and even our own comfort. Before we can truly love one another, we must have hearts that are open to the needs of others and be ready for action. 


Are you willing to love the people in your life who require more from you? What action step(s) can you take this week to engage in loving others?