Previous Episode: Take and Eat
Next Episode: Follow Me

In this sermon, we looked at how Jesus forgave and restored Peter to his calling as one of Jesus' disciples. In John 21:15-19, Jesus makes Himself known, for the third time since His resurrection, to seven of the disciples on the shore the Sea of Galilee. After a miraculous catch of fish and a gracious meal with the disciples, Jesus addresses Peter in a way that brings to light how Peter denied Jesus three times. Through a series of three questions, one for each of Peter's denials, Jesus draws Peter back to Himself. This moment is bigger than Jesus simply forgiving Peter for his sins; Jesus forgives Peter, calls him back into relationship, and restores his calling. In this story, we also see how God forgives and restores us. When we repent and ask for forgiveness, God does more than forgive our sins; He cleanses us of all unrighteousness, invites us into a loving relationship, and restores our calling and purpose in His Kingdom.