Similar to "Suspense" and "The Whistler," "The Unexpected" offered high melodramatic stories with a dramatic, unexpected twist! "You think this story is over, but wait...fate takes a hand!"

Join me for the first recreated episode from "The Unexpected" starring Delaney Brittingham, Geri Ellif, Victoria Perusse, and Joshua Perusse in "Sweet Sixteen."

Synopsis: Sixteen year old Janie wants to spend the summer with her friends at camp, but her mother has her stay with her wealthy friends. Furious with the idea, Janie devises a plan to get her own way. Will she succeed? Find out in this first tale of...The Unexpected!

Announcer - Dean T. Moody
Delaney Brittingham - Janie Singer
Geri Ellif - Janie's mother
Victoria Perusse - Helen Corbin
Joshua Perusse - Walter Corbin
Ad - Rachel Pulliam

Music: Ross Bernhardt
Sound Effects:

Art: Canva