Hang around with IT folks for anything longer than your typical stand-up meeting and you’re likely to hear some variation of “Managers! Am I right?” Snark aside, as folks who design, deploy, and maintain monitoring solutions, we’ve got a choice: we can continue to dismiss and diminish people who don’t know about our discipline; or we can take the time to educate and inform them. 

It’s in this spirit we are building spaces—from THWACK forums to conference talks to this podcast—created geared to answering the technical questions managers—those folks who both lead and represent the boots-on-the-ground monitoring engineers—might have.  

This podcast is provided for informational purposes only.
© 2021 SolarWinds Worldwide, LLC. All rights reserved.

Hang around with IT folks for anything longer than your typical stand-up meeting and you’re likely to hear some variation of “Managers! Am I right?” Snark aside, as folks who design, deploy, and maintain monitoring solutions, we’ve got a choice: we can continue to dismiss and diminish people who don’t know about our discipline; or we can take the time to educate and inform them. 

It’s in this spirit we are building spaces—from THWACK forums to conference talks to this podcast—created geared to answering the technical questions managers—those folks who both lead and represent the boots-on-the-ground monitoring engineers—might have.  

This podcast is provided for informational purposes only. © 2021 SolarWinds Worldwide, LLC. All rights reserved.