A new year is a perfect opportunity to get organized. After the holidays, things may feel a bit chaotic. Be patient with yourself as you get things back in order after the holiday rush. From self-care to schedule mastery, we've got the steps every independent salon owner should take to self yourself up for success in 2022. 

In This Episode

[1:01] - Self-care is crucial. Fill up your own cup before you help fill others’.

[2:37] - Spruce up the salon! The new year is a great time to clean things out that are not in alignment.

[3:21] - Start or restart a healthy routine. During the holidays, we veer away from our usual routine and the transition back can be challenging.

[5:01] - Consider mindfulness, movement, and nourishment for your morning routine to help set you up for success.

[5:36] - Time blocking and task batching are strategies that help you manage your time and can majorly increase productivity.

[6:30] - This is the time of year where hydration is tougher. Be mindful of hydration as part of your routine.

[7:31] - This is the year of the Sola boss! With the right routines and self care routines, you can set yourself up for success

Links and Resources

Sola Salon Studios' Instagram Page

Sola Salons Studios – Website