It’s one thing to dream about all the goals you want to accomplish, and it’s another to actually get there. On this Quick Tip, we are reading How to Be a Goal-Getter This Year from the Sola Blog. 

Tune in to hear Sola’s 5 steps to not only be a goal-setter but a goal-getter this year.

Start with your “why,” be SMART, hold yourself accountable, and last but not least, remember Sola has your back. 

Here's to goal getting in 2021.


In This Episode

[01:10] Sola's five tips for being a goal-getter.

[01:49] Write down your goals.

[02:17] Be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Specific. 

[03:53] Hold yourself accountable.

[04:36] Remember that Sola has your back.

[05:57] Thank you for listening!


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