On Monday, August 27, Donald Trump announced a new trade agreement between the United States and Mexico. He called it the U.S./Mexico Trade Agreement. But, where is Canada in all of this? What are the implications not only in North America but also for China? Our guest is Mexico-based journalist Laura Carlsen.

And, according to NPR, the Catholic Church abuse scandal has cost $3 billion in settlement. Now, that scandal is growing with a report in Pennsylvania that talked about and documented about 1,000 victims. Many say this is just the tip of the iceberg and that it is an issue not only in the United States, but around the world. Our guest is Esther Hatfield Miller, a member of the survivors network of those abuse by priests, known as SNAP. The network is the oldest, largest and most active support group for women and men wounded by religious institutional authorities.

Finally, a prisoner hunger strike began in prisons across the United States and at least one prison in Canada on Aug. 21, the anniversary of the killing of Black prisoner George Jackson in 1971. It is scheduled to end on Sept. 9, which marks the anniversary of the 1971 Attica correctional facility uprising in New York. Our guest is Jose Villarreal. Jose is the author of the book "Aztlan Realism: Chicano Revolutionary Art From Pelican Bay SHU." He is also the founder of Aztlan Press and a member of the National Bay Area Prison Strike Solidarity Committee. Jose was also one of the original Pelican Bay hunger strikers of 2013.