Today, on our weekly Sojourner Truth roundtable:

On the national front, close to 13,000 children are being held in immigrant detention centers.

Now, Donald Trump is not only the global white supremacist in chief after even as a major hurricane bears down on the Carolinas, he dismisses Hurricane Maria deaths in Puerto Rico as a conspiracy by democrats. He is also vying for conspiracy theorist in chief. Then again, he has been on that track for quite some time, including putting forward that former President Barack Obama was not born in the United States.

Congressional elections heat up with the primary season coming to an end. Why are Republicans not touting economic gains given the statistics being reported about record low unemployment rates, a booming Wall Street and rising wages? Well there is a problem because while those gains are reflected in households in swing states, theirs is a different reality. Whats going on?

And on the international front, yesterday marked the anniversary of the Oslo Accords, which was supposed to lead to peace between Israelis and Palestinians. But they had a fatal flaw and today, relations between the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu-led Israeli government and Palestinians are at a low point, with Palestinians forced to live under what is increasingly being called apartheid conditions. What role is the U.S.-backed Israel playing on the world stage, even as tensions between races amp up and culture wars are on the rise?

And our regular Sojourner Truth Election Watch (STEW) today with Dorothy Reik.

Our panelists are: Laura Carlsen, Jackie Goldberg and Dr. Gerald Horne.