This is the second installment of a two part interview with Dr. Dave Franzen, a soil scientist at North Dakota State University, and Anthony Thilmony, a fourth generation farmer in the Valley City, North Dakota area. In this segment we will be focusing on the precision of soil health. We explore how to identify your individual soil needs and how to effectively and efficiently meet those demands.

“The Zone Sampling Concept is the number one site specific nutrient management strategy in the state. I wish more people would do it .” -Dr. Dave Franzen

“I had a goal. I didn’t go from here to there. I went five steps in between.” - Anthony Thilmony

This Week on Soil Sense:

Learn about the development of zone sampling 
Discover the benefits and philosophy behind variable rate fertilization application
Converting to various precision ag techniques requires a financial and time commitment
What factors influence the decision to try a new technique or add new technology

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Soil Sense Initiative 

Soil Sense Podcast is hosted by Tim Hammerich of the Future of Agriculture Podcast.