Previous Episode: 8 Black, White and Organic
Next Episode: 10 The Roo Industry

Ron Watkins has been practicing regenerative-style farming for so long that he is practically in a class of his own. Why the hell isn't he Australian of this Year in this, or any other year? He is exactly the kind of mentor we need when we are looking at ways of restoring and healing our agricultural land.

Ron started changing direction in the 1970s when he saw that what was being taught as essential Agricultural practice was not based on observable or practical truth.

He met and worked with P.A. Yeoman, legendary creator of the Keyline method, restoring water systems on his property, and over the decades has received International recognition for his work on Payneham Vale Organic , his 500 ha farm in the south-west of Western Australia.

Ron and his wife's main income is from Free-Range eggs and meat sold to retailers in Perth and at the Albany Farmers' market.

Now nearing retirement age, the Watkins are looking for a way to hand on what they have developed. Ron should be a decorated and revered Elder in the Regenerative zone, to walk with him on his land is to receive a wonderful lesson in integrated holistic farm planning and thinking....but you know what they say about prophets in their own land...