We began the Re-Read Saturday feature in 2014 with a re-read of John Kotter’s classic Leading Change. The list of books we have re-read is quite long -- I am going to have to create a list. All that said, last week a person that regularly comments on the podcast indicated they really did not know what Re-Read Saturday was all about. So today to commemorate spring in the northern hemisphere (and the fact that it snowed) and the kick-off of the latest re-read (Why Limit WIP by Jim Benson) I am going to share an audio version of this week's entry.  As we always say, buy a copy of the book and read Jim Benson’s (buy a copy using our Amazon Affiliate link  get reading) along with us. The written version:    This week we also have a visit from Jeremy Berriault, who brings his QA Corner to the podcast.  Jeremy and I explored the difference between relative and absolute time.  Upcoming Events: Free Webinar When Prioritization Goes Bad https://www.greatpro.org/Webinar-Live-Register?id=1954 April 19, 2022 11 AM EDT to 1230 EDT   Next SPaMCAST  Next week we will talk with Jardena London.  We will discuss her book Cultivating Transformations - A Leader's Guide to Connecting the Soulful and the Practical. We will also explore why being soulful in the workplace is critical for facilitating change.