Welcome to the Software Process and Measurement Cast 182!
The Software Process and Measurement Cast 182 features my interview with Corey Haines.  We discussed the evolution of a software journeyman, coding, code retreats, a bit of philosophy and more.
Corey's Bio:  After 12 years of coding for money, Corey Haines said enough and went on a year-long, journeyman pair-programming tour. Traveling the world, pair-programming for room and board, he spent his time teaching, learning and just living as a knowledge-cross-pollinating, little, software craftsmanship bee. For the past three years, Corey has focused his attention on helping developers improve their fundamental software design skills through the use of focused-practice events, such as coderetreat. He currently specializes in training teams on fundamental development technical practices, as well as building projects and products when not on the road.
Contact Data:http://coreyhaines.com/Code Retreat: http://coderetreat.org/Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/coreyhainesEmail: [email protected]

A message from SPaMCAST's sponsor . . .
The SPaMCAST 182 is sponsored by . LeanKit Kanban is a software tool for kanban that is as simple to use as physical kanban. If you put it up on a touchscreen in your team area, it practically IS physical kanban. But your boards are available from anywhere, and updated in real-time. A slew of colors, icons, and avatars take your visual signaling to the next level. And the system tracks the metrics for you, providing analytics on bottlenecks, lead time, work distribution, process efficiency, and variability - for a single board or a whole company. It's kanban for the Lean enterprise.  
I am currently working on a book with three friends.  We are using LeanKit Kanban as a mechanism to keep the project on track and organized.  LeanKit allows us to share the Kanban board across the miles with ease!
!  (and say hello for the SPaMCAST!)

Interested in becoming a radio star?  If you are interested in reviewing tools or books?  Drop me a note at [email protected]
Shameless Ad for my book! 
 co-authored by Murali Chematuri and myself and published by J. Ross Publishing. We have received unsolicited reviews like the following: "This book will prove that software projects should not be a tedious process, neither for you or your team."
Have you bought your copy?
Contact information for the Software Process and Measurement Cast
Email:  [email protected]:  +1-206-888-6111Website: www.spamcast.netTwitter: www.twitter.com/tcagleyFacebook:  http://bit.ly/16fBWV
NextThe Software Process and Measurement Cast 183 will feature my essay on release plans. Release plans are a critical tool in large agile projects. 

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