Welcome to the Software Process and Measurement Cast 180!

The SPaMCAST 180 features my interview with Johanna Rothman.  We discussed transparency and trust.  Transparency and trust are generally discussed as core tenants of agile HOWEVER I would suggest they are core tenants for any type of team or manager. We also have a message from Peter Taylor, The Lazy Project Manager, on his new project . . . he needs our help.
You might be wondering where the SPaMCAST 179 went.  Lets just say SPaMCAST 179 is now offically the the lost episode and we'll just see when it appears.  Johanna Rothman works with managers and leaders to identify problems and seize opportunities around how they manage their product development. She focuses on removing management and technical staff impediments. Johanna was the Agile 2009 conference chair. She is the current AgileJournal.com technical editor. Johanna is the author of these books:
- The 2008 Jolt Productivity award-winning
She is working on books about using agile practices to find a new job, and agile program management. And, she’s working on an electronic-only revision of the hiring book, due “soon.”
She writes columns for Stickyminds.com and on “extreme project management” for Gantthead.com, and writes two blogs on her web site, jrothman.com, as well as a blog on createadaptablelife.com
Recommendation!  Buy Johanna's books and support the Software Process and Measurement Cast, just follow the link!
Contact Data:|Email:  [email protected]:   www.jrothman.comBlogs:  http://www.jrothman.com/blog/mpd/           http://www.jrothman.com/blog/htp/            http://www.createadaptablelife.com/

Support the Software Process and Measurement Cast by buying any of the books discussed on the SPaMCAST's through our Amazon Associate Account. I have a page on my blog with links to all of the books that have been discussed on the podcast.  The SPaMCAST gets a tiny commission on the sale that will be used to defray hosting costs and upgrading equipment.  

Interested in becoming a radio star?If you are interested in reviewing tools or books?  Drop me a note at [email protected]

Shameless Ad for my book!  
co-authored by Murali Chematuri and myself and published by J. Ross Publishing. We have received unsolicited reviews like the following: "This book will prove that software projects should not be a tedious process, neither for you or your team."

Contact information for the Software Process and Measurement CastEmail:  [email protected]:  +1-206-888-6111Website: www.spamcast.netTwitter: www.twitter.com/tcagleyFacebook:  http://bit.ly/16fBWV

The Software Process and Measurement Cast 181 will feature my essay currently titled, IT: No Factory Here.  The essay wrestles why the metaphor of a factory is used to describe the development and maintenance of software. 

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