While it's unknown how much time you should let your kids play Minecraft, it's equally unclear at the moment who'll win the second cloud wars. Between Google, Azure, AWS, and all the others, how companies differentiate themselves and what customers will buy on isn't sorted just yet. We discuss Google Next, Pivotal's momentum announcement, and serious theories for Okta IPO'ing.
Pardon the shoddily formatted show notes below, Coté was in a hurry to get to Spring Break.
Google NEXT
Competing on features? Or just pricing and brand? The "complete solution."
Richard summarizes announcements (https://www.infoq.com/news/2017/03/google-cloud-next)
More from Google... (https://cloudplatform.googleblog.com/2017/03/Google-Cloud-Platform-your-Next-home-in-the-cloud.html)
Cheaper, faster, more data centers
Google Cloud Dataprep for cleaning up data for ingestion
Cloud Opinion's Keynote Day 1 (https://medium.com/@cloud_opinion/google-next-day-1-keynotes-45c78be3dbfc)
"Differentiation from other cloud providers — "we are Google, damn it" isn't working too well"
Hangouts to take on Slack (http://www.theverge.com/2017/3/9/14864552/google-hangouts-chat-update-announced-slack-group-messaging-video)? This space is getting crowded
Customers (http://fortune.com/2017/03/06/google-cloud-event/): Snapchat, Evernote, Disney, Coca Cola, Home Depot, Whirlpool.
Hosted container builder service (https://cloudplatform.googleblog.com/2017/03/Google-Cloud-Container-Builder-a-fast-and-flexible-way-to-package-your-software.html)
Pivotal was the Google partner of the year (https://twitter.com/phillip_webb/status/839506314975821825)!
Coté at a Meetup next Tuesday, March 21st, in DFW. "Digital transformation in the streets." (https://www.meetup.com/Dallas-Cloud-Foundry-Meetup/events/237314533/) Hopefully some new material from my ImpossibleDevOps writing (https://cote.io/2017/03/07/cloud3/).
Coté: CF Summit - June 13 to 15th, 2017 (https://www.cloudfoundry.org/event/summit-silicon-valley-2017/).
20% off registration code: cfsv17cote
DevOps Melbourne March 28th (https://www.meetup.com/devops-melbourne/events/237351075/) Talking Compliance as Code
DevOps Days Tokyo April 25th (https://www.devopsdays.org/events/2017-tokyo/welcome/)
Chef Meetup - Singapore April 29th (https://pages.chef.io/ChefMeetup_Singapore_RSVP.html)
ChefConf May 22-24 ChefConf 2017 Teaser (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhHpt-Xhj84), early-bird pricing through March 31st
Pivotal: we make money, cause we have paying customers
"over $270 million in bookings in one year" (https://content.pivotal.io/announcements/why-the-fortune-100-turn-to-pivotal-for-digital-transformation)
Previous years:
2015 (https://pivotal.io/corporate/press-release/pivotal-announces-changes-in-executive-leadership-and-record-results): In 2015Q3 "Pivotal Cloud Foundry has crossed $100 million in annual bookings run-rate"
2014 (https://pivotal.io/platform/press-release/pivotal-cloud-foundry-record-breaking-fastest-first-year-sales-growth-for-an-open-source-product): "In less than a year, Pivotal Cloud Foundry has booked ~$40 million in software sales"
In addition to customers mentioned there, see some more testimonials in John Allwright's post (https://content.pivotal.io/cloud-native/the-cloud-native-ops-opportunity).
Okta files to go public
S1 filed (http://www.businessinsider.com/okta-files-for-ipo-2017-3).
I don't get it. This is going to be a disaster.
Whatever the fantasy running SFDC and MSFT running identity.
Five AI Startup Predictions for 2017
Link (http://www.bradfordcross.com/blog/2017/3/3/five-ai-startup-predictions-for-2017)
"Pure hype trends will reveal themselves to have no fundamentals behind them" <- GOLD
Bots go bust
Deep learning goes commodity
AI is cleantech 2.0 for VCs
MLaaS dies a second death
Full stack vertical AI startups actually work
Facebook Bots are failing (https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/02/22/facebook_ai_fail/).
Enterprise product management
The Enterprise Ready SaaS Feature Guides (https://www.enterpriseready.io/)
Coté summarizes Brandon's rant (https://twitter.com/cote/status/839535143585005568).
USAF locks in with Oracle
"consolidates the 745,768 Oracle licenses already in use" (https://defensesystems.com/articles/2017/03/08/oracle.aspx?m=1)
$293,247,466 with Mythics, Inc.
US Immigration's "Code Test"?
I'd fail this (https://www.wired.com/2017/03/immigrant-says-customs-quizzed-prove-can-code/).
Coté: The Art of Business Value (https://cote.io/2017/03/08/were-getting-exactly-the-government-it-we-asked-for/) - I haven't even finished this yet and it's already fantastic.
Also, I added most all of the DrunkAndRetired.com Podcast to archive.org (https://archive.org/details/DrunkAndRetired/). As Matt Ray used to say it's "better than half the stuff out there."
Also: Patriot (http://amzn.to/2nulTbS) in Amazon Video.
Missing Richard Simmons (https://www.missingrichardsimmons.com/) podcast.
Tripit Pro's Seat Tracker (https://twitter.com/mattray/status/839354510493429760)
While reading James Clear's post on Reading Comprehension Strategies (http://jamesclear.com/reading-comprehension-strategies) he linked to his Book Summaries (http://jamesclear.com/book-summaries) which are amazing good. I really like this idea, have to try to implement it for myself
Hypnotic video of global earthquake data (https://www.facebook.com/scienceonasphere/videos/10157877630135083/)

While it's unknown how much time you should let your kids play Minecraft, it's equally unclear at the moment who'll win the second cloud wars. Between Google, Azure, AWS, and all the others, how companies differentiate themselves and what customers will buy on isn't sorted just yet. We discuss Google Next, Pivotal's momentum announcement, and serious theories for Okta IPO'ing.

Pardon the shoddily formatted show notes below, Coté was in a hurry to get to Spring Break.

Google NEXT

Competing on features? Or just pricing and brand? The "complete solution."
Richard summarizes announcements
More from Google...

Cheaper, faster, more data centers
Google Cloud Dataprep for cleaning up data for ingestion

Cloud Opinion's Keynote Day 1

"Differentiation from other cloud providers — "we are Google, damn it" isn't working too well"

Hangouts to take on Slack? This space is getting crowded
Customers: Snapchat, Evernote, Disney, Coca Cola, Home Depot, Whirlpool.
Hosted container builder service
Pivotal was the Google partner of the year!


Coté at a Meetup next Tuesday, March 21st, in DFW. "Digital transformation in the streets." Hopefully some new material from my ImpossibleDevOps writing.
Coté: CF Summit - June 13 to 15th, 2017.

20% off registration code: cfsv17cote


DevOps Melbourne March 28th Talking Compliance as Code
DevOps Days Tokyo April 25th
Chef Meetup - Singapore April 29th
ChefConf May 22-24 ChefConf 2017 Teaser, early-bird pricing through March 31st

Pivotal: we make money, cause we have paying customers

"over $270 million in bookings in one year"
Previous years:

2015: In 2015Q3 "Pivotal Cloud Foundry has crossed $100 million in annual bookings run-rate"
2014: "In less than a year, Pivotal Cloud Foundry has booked ~$40 million in software sales"

In addition to customers mentioned there, see some more testimonials in John Allwright's post.

Okta files to go public

S1 filed.
I don't get it. This is going to be a disaster.
Whatever the fantasy running SFDC and MSFT running identity.


Five AI Startup Predictions for 2017

"Pure hype trends will reveal themselves to have no fundamentals behind them" <- GOLD
Bots go bust
Deep learning goes commodity
AI is cleantech 2.0 for VCs
MLaaS dies a second death
Full stack vertical AI startups actually work
Facebook Bots are failing.

Enterprise product management

The Enterprise Ready SaaS Feature Guides
Coté summarizes Brandon's rant.

USAF locks in with Oracle

"consolidates the 745,768 Oracle licenses already in use"
$293,247,466 with Mythics, Inc.

US Immigration's "Code Test"?

I'd fail this.


Coté: The Art of Business Value - I haven't even finished this yet and it's already fantastic.

Also, I added most all of the DrunkAndRetired.com Podcast to archive.org. As Matt Ray used to say it's "better than half the stuff out there."
Also: Patriot in Amazon Video.


Missing Richard Simmons podcast.


Tripit Pro's Seat Tracker
While reading James Clear's post on Reading Comprehension Strategies he linked to his Book Summaries which are amazing good. I really like this idea, have to try to implement it for myself
Hypnotic video of global earthquake data

Sponsored By:

Chef: Chef Meetup - Singapore April 29th - The team from Chef is on the road helping people learn about Chef for Windows & Habitat. We will be in Singapore for a Hands-on with Chef and Hands-on with Habitat workshop. We would love to catch-up with you to hear about your continuous automation efforts while we are in town, too.DevOpsDays: DevOps Days Tokyo April 25th - Matt will be there.Pivotal: Cloud Foundry Summit is the premier event for enterprise app developers. Want to focus on innovation and streamline your development pipeline? Summit 2017 will make you an expert in microservices and continuous delivery in your language or framework of choice. Fast-track yourself and your business with the quickest way to deliver apps. Promo Code: cfsv17coteChef: DevOps Meetup, Melbourne March 28th - Come see Matt Ray talking "Compliance as Code."Chef: ChefConf 2017 - ChefCon is coming up, May 22nd to 24th in Austin, Texas. Early bird pricing through March 31st.

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