There's tell that some people just look at containers as a cheaper way to virtualize, eschewing the fancy-lad "cloud-native stuff." We discuss that idea, plus "the enterprise cloud wars," and also our feel that Slack is actually a really good tool and company.
Old folk jokes
Steve Gillmor (
Grandpa walking in and out of Simpson's (
"The Southern Cross" (
No call yet from papercall (
JJ says when you SSH into a container then you are doing lightweight virtualization. I ask is this really a bad thing? Check it out on Coté Show #21 (
It was Hooch, Turner was the human (
Coté: follow-up, my DevOpsDays Charlotte talk recording is up ( Also, finally learned how to spell "Charlotte." - See it at (
Slack executes the perfect Freemium
Minimum Delight Experience vs. Minimum Viable Product
Build and charge for the enterprise features required by the Fortune 500
Don't apologize that you don't support Markdown ( or other power user features.
Coté: we're a media sponsor for DevOpsDays Baltimore (, March 7th to 8th. The best how to DevOps experience in Maine this year!! Use the code SDT-BALTIMORE to get 10% off. Pivotal's sponsoring, no Coté, tho.
Also, we have one free ticket to give away. If you want it, write us a review in iTunes and email us up that you did so (, and we'll semi-randomly select a winner.
Coté: Come see me talk at the Austin Cloud Meetup, Feb 22nd (
DevOps Melbourne March 28th ( Talking Compliance as Code
ChefCon, May 22nd to May 25th, in Austin, ( Texas. Matt Ray will be there, and we'll likely record a "live-to-tape" episode.
Coté: check out Pivotal's DIY platform paper ( tl;dr: for $7m/year with a two year on-ramp, you could build you own, or just buy Pivotal Cloud Foundry. Many of our customers have gone down this path and ended up not wanting to support the life of their own platform...which doesn't match the pace of innovation that the Cloud Foundry community can follow. Check out (
Jassy Talks About the Competition
Pretty amazingly candid interview for the say nothing company (
"I don't think in our wildest dreams we ever thought we'd have a six- to seven-year head start"
When people say lock-in, it's dog-whistling for "Oracle."
BONUS LINKS! Not covered in show.
AI & the Middle Class
Link (
"If current trends continue, people are going to rise up well before the machines do."
"He also argued that these trends are reversible, that improved education and a greater emphasis on entrepreneurship and research can help feed new engines of growth"... we (the US) are so screwed
Coté: I keep going back to McKinsey saying 70% of work is menial; I'm sure that "study" is wonky and loaded, but still, we do so much bullshit in daily work. Another example: several Pivotal customers (Allstate, HCSC) say they usually get 40%+ productivity improvements because they stop going to meetings and actually code 7 hours a day instead of bullshit.
Grim. Really, really, really grim (
2017 Worldwide Software Developer Salaries
Move to Austin if you want some of that sweet, botton-line margin (
"In Austin, the average salary for a software engineer on Hired is $110K. But this is the equivalent to making $198K in San Francisco when you consider the cost of living difference between the two cities."
"...we see a similar trend in Melbourne. Even though Melbourne's average salary for software engineers is a relatively low $83K (A$107K), this is equivalent to making nearly $150K in San Francisco."
Don't Trust the Status Page
"We cannot trust Amazon AWS status updates because the information provided to us about the severity of the issue or how quickly it will really be resolved"
Chef Joins the CNCF
Link (
Intel Rolls Out Another Generation of the Itanium
Link (
"HPE will, of course, support its Itanium customers for a number of years, at least until 2025"
Spoon in Sydney! ( I just signed up and started looking for more fun places to check out while traveling. My wife made an entry for Tasmazia (
(Sub-req: Political Gabfest (, The Weeds (, Kara Swisher (
Coté: "Don't tell me what to do!" ( Also, Bragg's ( and Hindenberg audio editor (
Brandon: The Upstarts (

There's tell that some people just look at containers as a cheaper way to virtualize, eschewing the fancy-lad "cloud-native stuff." We discuss that idea, plus "the enterprise cloud wars," and also our feel that Slack is actually a really good tool and company.

Old folk jokes

Steve Gillmor
Grandpa walking in and out of Simpson's.
"The Southern Cross"


No call yet from papercall
JJ says when you SSH into a container then you are doing lightweight virtualization. I ask is this really a bad thing? Check it out on Coté Show #21.
It was Hooch, Turner was the human.
Coté: follow-up, my DevOpsDays Charlotte talk recording is up. Also, finally learned how to spell "Charlotte." - See it at

Slack executes the perfect Freemium

Minimum Delight Experience vs. Minimum Viable Product
Build and charge for the enterprise features required by the Fortune 500
Don't apologize that you don't support Markdown or other power user features.


Coté: we're a media sponsor for DevOpsDays Baltimore, March 7th to 8th. The best how to DevOps experience in Maine this year!! Use the code SDT-BALTIMORE to get 10% off. Pivotal's sponsoring, no Coté, tho.

Also, we have one free ticket to give away. If you want it, write us a review in iTunes and email us up that you did so, and we'll semi-randomly select a winner.

Coté: Come see me talk at the Austin Cloud Meetup, Feb 22nd

DevOps Melbourne March 28th Talking Compliance as Code
ChefCon, May 22nd to May 25th, in Austin, Texas. Matt Ray will be there, and we'll likely record a "live-to-tape" episode.

Coté: check out Pivotal's DIY platform paper. tl;dr: for $7m/year with a two year on-ramp, you could build you own, or just buy Pivotal Cloud Foundry. Many of our customers have gone down this path and ended up not wanting to support the life of their own platform...which doesn't match the pace of innovation that the Cloud Foundry community can follow. Check out

Jassy Talks About the Competition

Pretty amazingly candid interview for the say nothing company
"I don't think in our wildest dreams we ever thought we'd have a six- to seven-year head start"
When people say lock-in, it's dog-whistling for "Oracle."

BONUS LINKS! Not covered in show.

AI & the Middle Class

"If current trends continue, people are going to rise up well before the machines do."
"He also argued that these trends are reversible, that improved education and a greater emphasis on entrepreneurship and research can help feed new engines of growth"... we (the US) are so screwed
Coté: I keep going back to McKinsey saying 70% of work is menial; I'm sure that "study" is wonky and loaded, but still, we do so much bullshit in daily work. Another example: several Pivotal customers (Allstate, HCSC) say they usually get 40%+ productivity improvements because they stop going to meetings and actually code 7 hours a day instead of bullshit.
Grim. Really, really, really grim.

2017 Worldwide Software Developer Salaries

Move to Austin if you want some of that sweet, botton-line margin.
"In Austin, the average salary for a software engineer on Hired is $110K. But this is the equivalent to making $198K in San Francisco when you consider the cost of living difference between the two cities."
"...we see a similar trend in Melbourne. Even though Melbourne's average salary for software engineers is a relatively low $83K (A$107K), this is equivalent to making nearly $150K in San Francisco."

Don't Trust the Status Page

"We cannot trust Amazon AWS status updates because the information provided to us about the severity of the issue or how quickly it will really be resolved"

Chef Joins the CNCF


Intel Rolls Out Another Generation of the Itanium

"HPE will, of course, support its Itanium customers for a number of years, at least until 2025"



Spoon in Sydney! I just signed up and started looking for more fun places to check out while traveling. My wife made an entry for Tasmazia
(Sub-req: Political Gabfest, The Weeds, Kara Swisher.)

Coté: "Don't tell me what to do!" Also, Bragg's and Hindenberg audio editor.
Brandon: The Upstarts

Sponsored By:

Chef: DevOps Meetup, Melbourne March 28th - Come see Matt Ray talking "Compliance as Code."DevOpsDays: March 7th to March 8th - another fantastic DevOpsDays, in Baltimore. Get 10% registration off with the promo code SDT-BALTIMORE. Promo Code: SDT-BALTIMOREPivotal: Come see Coté talk about how big companies are succeeding and failing at DevOps, cloud native, and "digital transformation. Based on real life events!Pivotal: Why you shouldn't build your own platform, it'll cost ~$7m/year, even before chunky coconut water opex.Chef: ChefConf 2017 - ChefCon is coming up, May 22nd to 24th in Austin, Texas. Early bird pricing through March 31st.

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