On this week’s episode: Andreessen says it’s time build, Verizon buys Bluejeans, Splunk maybe watching and Google is giving Istio to a foundation. Plus, we offer informed opinions on Travis Scott and Fortnite.
The Rundown
Hot Take — IT'S TIME TO BUILD - Andreessen Horowitz (https://a16z.com/2020/04/18/its-time-to-build/)
Verizon will buy video conferencing company BlueJeans (https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/16/verizon-will-buy-video-conferencing-company-blue-jeans.html)
The Zoom fatigue is real (https://www.axios.com/newsletters/axios-login-fd52acf6-65aa-4dab-9a2e-528aa392852d.html?chunk=0&utm_term=twsocialshare#story0 9:46 https://www.protocol.com/google-cloud-kurian-istio-foundation)
Google Meet launches improved Zoom-like tiled layout, low-light mode and more (https://techcrunch.com/2020/04/22/google-meet-launches-improved-zoom-like-tiled-layout-low-light-mode-and-noise-cancellation/)
Introducing Splunk Remote Work Insights: Our Solution for the New Work-from-Home Reality (https://www.splunk.com/en_us/blog/leadership/introducing-splunk-remote-work-insights-our-solution-for-the-new-work-from-home-reality.html)
Apollo readies IPO of cloud company Rackspace (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-rackspace-ipo-exclusive/exclusive-apollo-readies-ipo-of-cloud-company-rackspace-sources-idUSKBN21Y39S)
Alibaba Cloud will invest $28 billion more into its infrastructure over the next three years (https://techcrunch.com/2020/04/19/alibaba-cloud-will-invest-28-billion-more-into-its-infrastructure-over-the-next-three-years/)
Zhao KaiXian x86 CPU Tested: The Rise of China's Chips (https://www.tomshardware.com/features/zhaoxin-kx-u6780a-x86-cpu-tested)
AWS announces new single-purpose on-prem hardware and tie-in storage tier (https://www.theregister.co.uk/2020/04/21/aws_elemental_link/)
AWS launches Amazon AppFlow, its new SaaS integration service (https://techcrunch.com/2020/04/22/aws-launches-amazon-appflow-its-new-saas-integration-service/)
Google Cloud CEO: Istio is going to a foundation (https://www.protocol.com/google-cloud-kurian-istio-foundation)
Google Cloud’s fully managed Anthos is now generally available for AWS (https://techcrunch.com/2020/04/22/google-clouds-fully-managed-anthos-is-now-generally-available-for-aws/)
Over the past 20 years, IBM has bought back $140 billion of its stock. Its current market cap: $105 billion. $IBM (https://twitter.com/charliebilello/status/1252404198148157443?s=21)
Apple will reportedly use 12-core 5nm ARM processor in a 2021 Mac (https://www.theverge.com/2020/4/23/21232441/apple-arm-mac-2020-5nm-processor-12-cores)
Relevant to your interests
University of Sydney using cloud to prevent the Tasmanian devil from extinction (https://news.google.com/articles/CBMibmh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnpkbmV0LmNvbS9hcnRpY2xlL3VuaXZlcnNpdHktb2Ytc3lkbmV5LXVzaW5nLWNsb3VkLXRvLXByZXZlbnQtdGhlLXRhc21hbmlhbi1kZXZpbC1mcm9tLWV4dGluY3Rpb24v0gF5aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuemRuZXQuY29tL2dvb2dsZS1hbXAvYXJ0aWNsZS91bml2ZXJzaXR5LW9mLXN5ZG5leS11c2luZy1jbG91ZC10by1wcmV2ZW50LXRoZS10YXNtYW5pYW4tZGV2aWwtZnJvbS1leHRpbmN0aW9uLw?hl=en-AU&gl=AU&ceid=AU%3Aen)
Facebook employees won't return to offices until at least the end of May, and is cancelling events until June 2021 (https://www.businessinsider.com/facebook-employees-work-remote-until-end-may-events-cancelled-2021-2020-4)
Hundreds of asylum seekers' names made public in government data breach (https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-03-31/federal-court-in-protection-visa-data-breach-published-names/12102536)
Top virtual tech conferences to attend in 2020 (https://www.hpe.com/us/en/insights/articles/top-virtual-tech-conferences-to-attend-in-2020-2004.html?chatsrc=em-en&jumpid=ba_pbwv8cfiqk_aid-520023674)
Who Makes the Best CPUs? Intel vs. AMD CPUs | Tom's Hardware (https://www.tomshardware.com/amp/features/amd-vs-intel-cpus#click=https://t.co/9Vw2YYsG9Z)
Bezos Takes Back the Wheel at Amazon (https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/22/technology/bezos-amazon-coronavirus.html)
Confluent lands another big round with $250M Series E on $4.5B valuation (https://techcrunch.com/2020/04/21/confluent-lands-another-big-round-with-250m-series-e-on-4-2b-valuation/)
I Took a COBOL Course and It Wasn't The Worst | Hacker Noon (https://www.hackernoon.com/i-took-a-cobol-course-and-it-wasnt-the-worst-z1ba3yrp)
Emacs way to listen podcasts (https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/g1o36p/emacs_way_to_listen_podcasts/)
How to watch Travis Scott’s Fortnite concerts (https://www.theverge.com/2020/4/23/21231142/travis-scott-fortnite-concert-watch-astronomical-astroworld)
strongDM — Manage and audit remote access to infrastructure. Start your free 14-day trial today at: strongdm.com/SDT (http://strongdm.com/SDT)
Listener Feedback
Sent stickers to Aaron in Sydney
“Dude Mark in Brampton close to Toronto Ontario Canada” said we are doing a good and gave us a 4 star review because he never gives 5
Sent stickers to Dan in the UK. He has made listening to SDT as part of his routine.
Conferences, Videos et. al.
Chef Tools & Terraform: Better Together (https://www.hashicorp.com/resources/chef-tools-and-terraform-better-together) from Matt Ray
Michael Coté - Intro - Spring Live (https://tanzu.vmware.com/content/spring-live-videos/michael-cot%C3%A9-intro-spring-live)
ChefConf 2020 (https://chefconf.chef.io/) June 2, 2020 All Digital. (https://www.chefconf.io/)
MongoDB’s virtual event http://MongoDB.Live on June 9-10, 2020
Dev (https://devopsdays.org/events/2019-minneapolis/welcome/)O (https://devopsdays.org/events/2019-minneapolis/welcome/)ps (https://devopsdays.org/events/2019-minneapolis/welcome/)D (https://devopsdays.org/events/2019-minneapolis/welcome/)ays Minneapolis, (https://devopsdays.org/events/2019-minneapolis/welcome/) August 4 - 5, 2020 use code SDT for 10% off registration.
THAT Conference (https://www.thatconference.com/wi) August 3 - 6 in Wisconsin Dells®.
SDT news & hype
Join us in Slack (http://www.softwaredefinedtalk.com/slack).
Send your postal address to [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) and we will send you free laptop stickers!
Follow us on Twitter (https://twitter.com/softwaredeftalk), Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/softwaredefinedtalk/) or LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/software-defined-talk/)
Listen to the Software Defined Interviews Podcast (https://www.softwaredefinedinterviews.com/). Check out the back catalog (http://cote.coffee/howtotech/).
Brandon built the Quick Concall iPhone App (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/quick-concall/id1399948033?mt=8) and he wants you to buy it for $0.99.
Use the code SDT to get $20 off Coté’s book, (https://leanpub.com/digitalwtf/c/sdt) Digital WTF (https://leanpub.com/digitalwtf/c/sdt), so $5 total.
Brandon: HBO’s (https://www.hbo.com/westworld) Westworld (https://www.hbo.com/westworld)
Matt Ray: Yeti cups/mugs (https://www.yeti.com/en_US/home?&gclid=CjwKCAjw-YT1BRAFEiwAd2WRtuXDKev5tw1KUbR0kzupn5FGjTY-S7UqMOvuutc1HoIOv9jfJdKQ3RoCcGwQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&utm_content=__iv_p_1_g_27908074949_c_403542308348_w_aud-321363013345:kwd-102062560_n_g_d_c_v__l__t__r__x__y__f__o__z__i__j__s__e__h_9028321_ii__vi__&utm_id=google_475534229_27908074949_403542308348_aud-321363013345:kwd-102062560_c&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google)
Photo Credit (https://unsplash.com/photos/EB78x6KzQjY)
Phote Credit (https://unsplash.com/photos/nmE1IXyVVKE)

On this week’s episode: Andreessen says it’s time build, Verizon buys Bluejeans, Splunk maybe watching and Google is giving Istio to a foundation. Plus, we offer informed opinions on Travis Scott and Fortnite.

The Rundown

Hot Take — IT'S TIME TO BUILD - Andreessen Horowitz


Verizon will buy video conferencing company BlueJeans
The Zoom fatigue is real
Google Meet launches improved Zoom-like tiled layout, low-light mode and more

Introducing Splunk Remote Work Insights: Our Solution for the New Work-from-Home Reality
Apollo readies IPO of cloud company Rackspace
Alibaba Cloud will invest $28 billion more into its infrastructure over the next three years
Zhao KaiXian x86 CPU Tested: The Rise of China's Chips
AWS announces new single-purpose on-prem hardware and tie-in storage tier
AWS launches Amazon AppFlow, its new SaaS integration service
Google Cloud CEO: Istio is going to a foundation
Google Cloud’s fully managed Anthos is now generally available for AWS
Over the past 20 years, IBM has bought back $140 billion of its stock. Its current market cap: $105 billion. $IBM
Apple will reportedly use 12-core 5nm ARM processor in a 2021 Mac

Relevant to your interests

University of Sydney using cloud to prevent the Tasmanian devil from extinction
Facebook employees won't return to offices until at least the end of May, and is cancelling events until June 2021
Hundreds of asylum seekers' names made public in government data breach
Top virtual tech conferences to attend in 2020
Who Makes the Best CPUs? Intel vs. AMD CPUs | Tom's Hardware
Bezos Takes Back the Wheel at Amazon
Confluent lands another big round with $250M Series E on $4.5B valuation
I Took a COBOL Course and It Wasn't The Worst | Hacker Noon


Emacs way to listen podcasts
How to watch Travis Scott’s Fortnite concerts


strongDM — Manage and audit remote access to infrastructure. Start your free 14-day trial today at: strongdm.com/SDT

Listener Feedback

Sent stickers to Aaron in Sydney
“Dude Mark in Brampton close to Toronto Ontario Canada” said we are doing a good and gave us a 4 star review because he never gives 5
Sent stickers to Dan in the UK. He has made listening to SDT as part of his routine.

Conferences, Videos et. al.

Chef Tools & Terraform: Better Together from Matt Ray
Michael Coté - Intro - Spring Live
ChefConf 2020 June 2, 2020 All Digital.
MongoDB’s virtual event http://MongoDB.Live on June 9-10, 2020
DevOpsDays Minneapolis, August 4 - 5, 2020 use code SDT for 10% off registration.
THAT Conference August 3 - 6 in Wisconsin Dells®.

SDT news & hype

Join us in Slack.
Send your postal address to [email protected] and we will send you free laptop stickers!
Follow us on Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn
Listen to the Software Defined Interviews Podcast. Check out the back catalog.
Brandon built the Quick Concall iPhone App and he wants you to buy it for $0.99.
Use the code SDT to get $20 off Coté’s book, Digital WTF, so $5 total.


Brandon: HBO’s Westworld
Matt Ray: Yeti cups/mugs

Photo Credit

Phote Credit

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strongDM: Manage and audit remote access to infrastructure. Start your free 14-day trial today at: strongdm.com/SDT.

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