Drink your own dog food
No matter the searing product strategy insight, ops is always left holding the bag. With few exceptions (like NSX), infrastructure software has to be free and easy to check out and even use. All product management and strategy decisions flow from that. Usually. Except when they don’t. Also, developers don’t pay for anything, they trick ops into it. Maybe that’ll change in public cloud land, but who knows?
Buy Coté’s book dirt cheap (https://leanpub.com/digitalwtf/c/sdt)!
Dark green smoothies.
Immediate value.
Gotta schedule a phone call to optimize phone calls.
A light under a bushel.
Free bread crumbs to the public cloud oven.
Don't feel ashamed, everywhere else is fucked too, cf. Lean accounting.
OpenShift too expensive, but no one actually checked the price.
Slit your wrists with a business card.
“DJ Pull Request.” (https://www.google.com/search?q=%22DJ+Pull+Request%22&oq=%22DJ+Pull+Request%22&aqs=chrome..69i57.4507j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)
Brandon’s organic trash matter.
Kim did no approve this wallet.
Relevant to your interests
MongoDB CEO on Open Source, Taking on Oracle, and Scaling Up (https://www.cbronline.com/interview/mongodb-ceo-interview)
Huge fluctuations in database market-share (https://blogs.gartner.com/merv-adrian/2019/06/23/future-database-management-systems-cloud/).
Get your Audible credits up-front…if you pay up-front (https://www.cordcuttersnews.com/amazons-audible-audiobook-service-now-offers-a-cheaper-annual-membership/).
IBM gains unconditional EU approval for $34 billion Red Hat deal (https://www.cnbc.com/2019/06/27/ibm-gains-unconditional-eu-approval-for-34-billion-red-hat-deal.html).
Future Kubernetes Will Mimic What Facebook Already Does (https://www.nextplatform.com/2019/06/10/future-kubernetes-will-mimic-what-facebook-already-does/)
Slack CEO, ahead of NYSE debut, predicts the end of company email as we know it in 7 years (https://www.cnbc.com/2019/06/20/slack-ceo-predicts-end-of-company-email-as-we-know-it-in-7-years.html)
Buy a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B – Raspberry Pi (https://www.raspberrypi.org/products/raspberry-pi-4-model-b/)
How Verizon and a BGP Optimizer Knocked Large Parts of the Internet Offline Today (https://blog.cloudflare.com/how-verizon-and-a-bgp-optimizer-knocked-large-parts-of-the-internet-offline-today/)
The Power of Costco (https://www.l2inc.com/daily-insights/the-power-of-costco)
Software Below the Poverty Line (https://staltz.com/software-below-the-poverty-line.html)
Deconstructing Balenciaga’s Wacky Instagram (https://www.l2inc.com/daily-insights/deconstructing-balenciagas-wacky-instagram) (https://www.l2inc.com/daily-insights/deconstructing-balenciagas-wacky-instagram)Nonsense (https://www.l2inc.com/daily-insights/deconstructing-balenciagas-wacky-instagram)
Acquired Podcast about SuperHuman (https://www.acquired.fm/episodes/superhuman)
Talk Like a Texan: This One’s for All Y’All (https://www.texasmonthly.com/podcast/talk-like-texan-ones-yall/)
This episode is sponsored by SolarWinds® and one of their DevOps tools, Papertrail™. To learn more or to try SolarWinds Papertrail free for 14 days, go to papertrailapp.com/sdt and make troubleshooting fun again.
Conferences, et. al.
ALERT! DevOpsDays Discount - DevOpsDays MSP (https://www.devopsdays.org/events/2019-minneapolis/welcome/), August 6th to 7th, $50 off with the code SDT2019 (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/devopsdays-minneapolis-2019-tickets-51444848928?discount=SDT2019).
2019, a city near you: The 2019 SpringOne Tours are posted (http://springonetour.io/). Coté will be speaking at many of these, hopefully all the ones in EMEA. They’re free and all about programming and DevOps things. Coming up in: San Francisco (June 4th & 5th), Atlanta (June 13th & 14th)…and back to a lot of US cities.
Monktoberfest, Oct 3rd and 4th - CFP now open (https://monktoberfest.com/).
Cloud Expo Asia (https://www.cloudexpoasia.com/) Singapore, Oct 9th and 10th
DevOpsDays Sydney 2019 (http://devopsdays.org/events/2019-sydney/), October 10th and 11th
Recommended Jobs from Listeners
Check out GO CARDLESS (https://boards.greenhouse.io/gocardless).
Senior Software Engineer, Delivery Platform (https://jobs.netflix.com/jobs/870032) Netflix.
Senior Software Engineer, Resilience Engineering (https://jobs.netflix.com/jobs/867867) Netflix.
Chef - Community Manager (https://jobs.lever.co/chef/4226887a-892c-4dae-845e-8d00bd888026).
Platform Operations Engineer (https://jobs.aspect.com/job/Orlando-Platform-Operations-Engineer-FL-32801/567835100/) Aspect.
Come work at Pivotal (https://pivotal.io/careers).
Matt Ray’s How to Resume’: Slides (https://www.slideshare.net/mattray/how-to-resume-47788991) and Talk (https://vimeo.com/129822168#t=8m40s).
Listener Feedback
Charles from Greensboro, NC sent in some SDT theme music (https://github.com/charleswhollien/softwaredefinedsong) so we sent him stickers.
Troy from San Mateo got some stickers this week.
SDT news & hype
Join us in Slack (http://www.softwaredefinedtalk.com/slack).
Send your postal address to [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) and we will send you free laptop stickers!
Follow us on Twitter (https://twitter.com/softwaredeftalk), Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/softwaredefinedtalk/) or LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/software-defined-talk/)
Listen to the Software Defined Interviews Podcast (https://www.softwaredefinedinterviews.com/). Check out the back catalog (http://cote.coffee/howtotech/).
Brandon built the Quick Concall iPhone App (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/quick-concall/id1399948033?mt=8) and he wants you to buy it for $0.99.
Use the code SDT to get $20 off Coté’s book, (https://leanpub.com/digitalwtf/c/sdt) Digital WTF (https://leanpub.com/digitalwtf/c/sdt), so $5 total.
Brandon: City of Austin Garbage Collection Reminders (http://www.austintexas.gov/page/my-collection-schedule).
Matt: “I'll Let Myself In: Tactics of Physical Pen Testers (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnmcRTnTNC8).”
Coté: Secrid (https://secrid.com/en-nl/) (Coté got the “Vintage Cognac-Rust” (https://secrid.com/en-nl/collections/miniwallet/miniwallet-vintage-cognac-rust)).
Outro: “softwaredefinedsong,” (https://github.com/charleswhollien/softwaredefinedsong)charleswhollien (https://github.com/charleswhollien)

Drink your own dog food

No matter the searing product strategy insight, ops is always left holding the bag. With few exceptions (like NSX), infrastructure software has to be free and easy to check out and even use. All product management and strategy decisions flow from that. Usually. Except when they don’t. Also, developers don’t pay for anything, they trick ops into it. Maybe that’ll change in public cloud land, but who knows?

Buy Coté’s book dirt cheap!


Dark green smoothies.
Immediate value.
Gotta schedule a phone call to optimize phone calls.
A light under a bushel.
Free bread crumbs to the public cloud oven.
Don't feel ashamed, everywhere else is fucked too, cf. Lean accounting.
OpenShift too expensive, but no one actually checked the price.
Slit your wrists with a business card.
“DJ Pull Request.”
Brandon’s organic trash matter.
Kim did no approve this wallet.

Relevant to your interests

MongoDB CEO on Open Source, Taking on Oracle, and Scaling Up
Huge fluctuations in database market-share.
Get your Audible credits up-front…if you pay up-front.
IBM gains unconditional EU approval for $34 billion Red Hat deal.
Future Kubernetes Will Mimic What Facebook Already Does
Slack CEO, ahead of NYSE debut, predicts the end of company email as we know it in 7 years
Buy a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B – Raspberry Pi
How Verizon and a BGP Optimizer Knocked Large Parts of the Internet Offline Today
The Power of Costco
Software Below the Poverty Line
Deconstructing Balenciaga’s Wacky Instagram Nonsense
Acquired Podcast about SuperHuman


Talk Like a Texan: This One’s for All Y’All


This episode is sponsored by SolarWinds® and one of their DevOps tools, Papertrail™. To learn more or to try SolarWinds Papertrail free for 14 days, go to papertrailapp.com/sdt and make troubleshooting fun again.

Conferences, et. al.

ALERT! DevOpsDays Discount - DevOpsDays MSP, August 6th to 7th, $50 off with the code SDT2019.
2019, a city near you: The 2019 SpringOne Tours are posted. Coté will be speaking at many of these, hopefully all the ones in EMEA. They’re free and all about programming and DevOps things. Coming up in: San Francisco (June 4th & 5th), Atlanta (June 13th & 14th)…and back to a lot of US cities.
Monktoberfest, Oct 3rd and 4th - CFP now open.
Cloud Expo Asia Singapore, Oct 9th and 10th
DevOpsDays Sydney 2019, October 10th and 11th

Recommended Jobs from Listeners

Check out GO CARDLESS.
Senior Software Engineer, Delivery Platform Netflix.
Senior Software Engineer, Resilience Engineering Netflix.
Chef - Community Manager.
Platform Operations Engineer Aspect.
Come work at Pivotal.
Matt Ray’s How to Resume’: Slides and Talk.

Listener Feedback

Charles from Greensboro, NC sent in some SDT theme music so we sent him stickers.
Troy from San Mateo got some stickers this week.

SDT news & hype

Join us in Slack.
Send your postal address to [email protected] and we will send you free laptop stickers!
Follow us on Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn
Listen to the Software Defined Interviews Podcast. Check out the back catalog.
Brandon built the Quick Concall iPhone App and he wants you to buy it for $0.99.
Use the code SDT to get $20 off Coté’s book, Digital WTF, so $5 total.


Brandon: City of Austin Garbage Collection Reminders.
Matt: “I'll Let Myself In: Tactics of Physical Pen Testers.”
Coté: Secrid (Coté got the “Vintage Cognac-Rust”).

Outro: “softwaredefinedsong,”charleswhollien

Sponsored By:

SolarWinds: Try SolarWinds Papertrail free for 14 days and make troubleshooting fun again.

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