With Matt gone, Coté & Brandon speculate wildly about Google’s multi-cloud management announcement, Anthos. They should have just read the docs (https://cloud.google.com/anthos/docs/concepts/anthos-overview), but who has time for that?
Relevant to your interests
A 3-year-old boy repeatedly entered the wrong password, locked up his dad’s iPad until 2067 (https://fox4kc.com/2019/04/09/a-3-year-old-boy-repeatedly-entered-the-wrong-password-locked-up-his-dads-ipad-until-2067/)
Anthos | Google Cloud (https://cloud.google.com/anthos/)
Anthos docs (https://cloud.google.com/anthos/docs/concepts/anthos-overview)
New Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian says that he’s borrowing from the Oracle playbook to help catch up to Amazon and Microsoft (https://www.businessinsider.com/google-cloud-ceo-thomas-kurian-oracle-strategies-2019-4)
Google’s hybrid cloud platform is coming to AWS and Azure (https://techcrunch.com/2019/04/09/googles-anthos-hybrid-cloud-platform-is-coming-to-aws-and-azure/)
Analysts get hot under collar as ex-Oracle cloud guru ditches corporate wardrobe for Google (http://go.theregister.com/feed/www.theregister.co.uk/2019/04/09/kurian_oracle_google_indicates_enterprise_change/)
Collaboration with Anaconda, Inc. (https://blog.jetbrains.com/pycharm/2019/04/collaboration-with-anaconda-inc/)
"Open source" companies are playing games with licensing to sneak in proprietary code, freeze out competitors, fight enclosure (https://boingboing.net/2019/04/04/open-ish.html)
Jeff Bezos retains control of Amazon after divorce (https://www.theverge.com/2019/4/4/18295609/jeff-bezos-amazon-mackenzie-voting-power-control-blue-origin)
Microsoft Introduces Azure Front Door, a Scalable Service for Protecting Web Applications (https://www.infoq.com/news/2019/04/Azure-Front-Door)
(https://www.axios.com/pinterest-ipo-terms-private-valuation-430d186d-56d5-4a07-acc0-dda415b11734.html)- Pinterest sets IPO terms below last private valuation (https://www.axios.com/pinterest-ipo-terms-private-valuation-430d186d-56d5-4a07-acc0-dda415b11734.html)
AWS CEO Andy Jassy Drills Down On Cloud Adoption And Amazon’s Culture (https://www.crn.com/news/cloud/aws-ceo-andy-jassy-drills-down-on-cloud-adoption-and-amazon-s-culture)
Coding Is for Everyone—as Long as You Speak English (https://www.wired.com/story/coding-is-for-everyoneas-long-as-you-speak-english/)
Netflix axes Apple AirPlay support (https://www.cnet.com/news/netflix-kills-apple-airplay-support/)
Microsoft says its data shows FCC reports massively overstate broadband adoption (https://techcrunch.com/2019/04/08/microsoft-says-its-data-shows-fcc-reports-massively-overstate-broadband-adoption/)
Tech Company Drops Conference Swag in Favor of 13,000 School Donations (https://www.edsurge.com/news/2019-04-04-tech-company-drops-conference-swag-in-favor-of-13-000-school-donations)
Slack integration with Office 365 one more step toward total enterprise integration (https://techcrunch.com/2019/04/09/slack-integration-with-office-365-one-more-step-toward-total-enterprise-integration/)
Japanese Hotel Launches Unnecessary $900 Burger to Celebrate New Emperor (https://www.eater.com/2019/4/3/18293431/grand-hyatt-tokyo-oak-door-expensive-burger)
Iconic consoles of the IBM System/360 mainframes, 55 years old today (http://www.righto.com/2019/04/iconic-consoles-of-ibm-system360.html?m=1)
GPS Rollover is today. Here’s why devices might get wacky (https://techcrunch.com/2019/04/06/gps-rollover-is-today-heres-why-devices-might-get-wacky/)
Matt and Brandon interview Adam Jacob (https://www.softwaredefinedinterviews.com/81) on this week’s Software Defined Interviews (https://www.softwaredefinedinterviews.com). Great discussion about his experience starting Chef and Chef’s decision to make 100% of products open source.
To learn more or try it free for 14 days visit http://appoptics.com/sdt (http://appoptics.com/sdt).
Conferences, et. al.
ALERT! DevOpsDays Discount - DevOpsDays MSP (https://www.devopsdays.org/events/2019-minneapolis/welcome/), August 6th to 7th, $50 off with the code SDT2019 (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/devopsdays-minneapolis-2019-tickets-51444848928?discount=SDT2019).
April 11th, 2019 (https://www.enterprise-cio.com/) - Coté at DevOps Meetup, Cape Town.
2019, a city near you: The 2019 SpringTours are posted (http://springonetour.io/). Coté will be speaking at many of these, hopefully all the ones in EMEA. They’re free and all about programming and DevOps things. Free lunch and stickers!
ChefConf 2019 (http://chefconf.chef.io/) May 20-23. Matt’s speaking! (https://chefconf.chef.io/sessions/banking-automation-modernizing-chef-across-enterprise/)
ChefConf London 2019 (https://chefconflondon.eventbrite.com/) June 19-20
SDT news & hype
Join us in Slack (http://www.softwaredefinedtalk.com/slack).
Send your postal address to [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) and we will send you a free laptop sticker!
Follow us on Twitter (https://twitter.com/softwaredeftalk), Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/softwaredefinedtalk/) or LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/software-defined-talk/)
Listen to the Software Defined Interviews Podcast (https://www.softwaredefinedinterviews.com/). Check out the back catalog (http://cote.coffee/howtotech/).
Brandon built the Quick Concall iPhone App (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/quick-concall/id1399948033?mt=8) and he wants you to buy it for $0.99.
Coté: The Tick (https://www.amazon.com/The-Tick/dp/B01J776HVW), season 2.
Brandon: Apple iPad Pro First Gen (https://www.apple.com/shop/product/FLMP2LL/A/Refurbished-97-inch-iPad-Pro-Wi-Fi-32GB-Silver?fnode=d85254fd5d3b07671c8897146a62e29357b455f205e12cb229cd884a5104fa2103009c40cd05032029a9eced87bec0c6e4dd7dc16983300eb67d1bdeabb19bc9eaabaaa8d39f5152cd918bb148d97a42)
Outro: Can't fix the car without a whole lotta milka (https://youtu.be/uIqn3Dzs77g), Kids in the Hall (https://youtu.be/uIqn3Dzs77g).

With Matt gone, Coté & Brandon speculate wildly about Google’s multi-cloud management announcement, Anthos. They should have just read the docs, but who has time for that?

Relevant to your interests

A 3-year-old boy repeatedly entered the wrong password, locked up his dad’s iPad until 2067
Anthos | Google Cloud
Anthos docs
New Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian says that he’s borrowing from the Oracle playbook to help catch up to Amazon and Microsoft
Google’s hybrid cloud platform is coming to AWS and Azure
Analysts get hot under collar as ex-Oracle cloud guru ditches corporate wardrobe for Google
Collaboration with Anaconda, Inc.
"Open source" companies are playing games with licensing to sneak in proprietary code, freeze out competitors, fight enclosure
Jeff Bezos retains control of Amazon after divorce
Microsoft Introduces Azure Front Door, a Scalable Service for Protecting Web Applications
- Pinterest sets IPO terms below last private valuation
AWS CEO Andy Jassy Drills Down On Cloud Adoption And Amazon’s Culture
Coding Is for Everyone—as Long as You Speak English
Netflix axes Apple AirPlay support
Microsoft says its data shows FCC reports massively overstate broadband adoption
Tech Company Drops Conference Swag in Favor of 13,000 School Donations
Slack integration with Office 365 one more step toward total enterprise integration


Japanese Hotel Launches Unnecessary $900 Burger to Celebrate New Emperor
Iconic consoles of the IBM System/360 mainframes, 55 years old today
GPS Rollover is today. Here’s why devices might get wacky


Matt and Brandon interview Adam Jacob on this week’s Software Defined Interviews. Great discussion about his experience starting Chef and Chef’s decision to make 100% of products open source.


To learn more or try it free for 14 days visit http://appoptics.com/sdt.

Conferences, et. al.

ALERT! DevOpsDays Discount - DevOpsDays MSP, August 6th to 7th, $50 off with the code SDT2019.
April 11th, 2019 - Coté at DevOps Meetup, Cape Town.
2019, a city near you: The 2019 SpringTours are posted. Coté will be speaking at many of these, hopefully all the ones in EMEA. They’re free and all about programming and DevOps things. Free lunch and stickers!
ChefConf 2019 May 20-23. Matt’s speaking!
ChefConf London 2019 June 19-20

SDT news & hype

Join us in Slack.
Send your postal address to [email protected] and we will send you a free laptop sticker!
Follow us on Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn
Listen to the Software Defined Interviews Podcast. Check out the back catalog.
Brandon built the Quick Concall iPhone App and he wants you to buy it for $0.99.


Coté: The Tick, season 2.
Brandon: Apple iPad Pro First Gen

Outro: Can't fix the car without a whole lotta milka, Kids in the Hall.

Sponsored By:

SolarWinds: Over 275,000 customers worldwide and 499 of the Fortune 500 trust and rely on SolarWinds for their monitoring software. To learn more or try the company’s DevOps products for free, visit http://solarwinds.com/devops.

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