Hybrid cloud and kubernetes with Cisco, and the latest beard analysis from the OpenStack community, and some spontaneous ERP and ethics of Facebook meandering - all this week in our power episode!
Relevant to your interests
Cisco Introduces First Hybrid Kubernetes Platform Support For Amazon EKS (https://www.forbes.com/sites/moorinsights/2018/11/08/cisco-introduces-first-hybrid-kubernetes-platform-support-for-amazon-eks/#426d8894cf62)
“The Cisco Hybrid Solution for Kubernetes on AWS enables configuration of the Kubernetes-based Cisco Container Platform optimized for ease of deploying applications on Kubernetes across either Cisco-based on-premises infrastructure or the Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (Amazon EKS).”
I’m pretty sure this (https://blogs.cisco.com/cloud/simplifying-container-orchestration) means Active Directory now works with k8s:
AWS and Cisco. https://alln-extcloud-storage.cisco.com/ciscoblogs/5bea023b0b27b.png
The style, diction, and tone of this piece is some classic power-marketing, e.g., “first,” “only,” “Enterprises have been forced to make a tradeoff in these choices that they would rather avoid.” Also, notice the “I HAVE BEEN TELLING YOU THIS” side-notes here and there.
Cisco’s site on it (https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/cloud-systems-management/hybrid-solution-kubernetes-on-aws/index.html), and press release (https://newsroom.cisco.com/press-release-content?type=webcontent&articleId=1952730).
Developer value-propin’, from the Cisco PR quote: “Now, developers can use existing investments to build new cloud-scale applications that fuel business innovation.” And, elsewhere (https://blogs.cisco.com/news/accelerate-innovation): “Public clouds provide developers with platforms for rapidly developing and deploying applications, yet most enterprises have their own data centers that house important workloads. That’s why hybrid cloud is a requirement for most enterprises.”
Well, at least their straight-up on pricing: “Pricing for software-only subscriptions will start at approximately $65,000 per year for a typical entry-level configuration. On AWS, customers pay $0.20 per hour for each Amazon EKS cluster that they create in addition to the AWS resources (e.g. Amazon EC2 instances or Amazon Elastic Block Store volumes) they create to run Kubernetes worker nodes.”
SAP snaps up Qualtrics for $8B days before its expected IPO, will keep Seattle office (https://www.geekwire.com/2018/sap-snaps-qualtrics-8b-days-expected-ipo-will-keep-seattle-office/): “Qualtrics offers software-as-a-service that companies use to measure and manage their reputations with current and prospective customers as well as a similar service for internal use managing employees.”
Report: Vista Equity Partners poised to pay $1.9 billion in private-equity deal for Apptio (https://www.geekwire.com/2018/report-vista-equity-partners-poised-pay-1-9-billion-private-equity-deal-apptio/)
Report: Amazon picks New York and Northern Virginia for HQ2 (https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/12/tech/amazon-hq2-new-york-virginia/index.html)
Google went down after traffic was routed through China and Russia (https://www.engadget.com/2018/11/13/google-outage-rerouted-china-russia/)
Amazon Announces New York and Virginia as HQ2 Picks (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/13/technology/amazon-hq2-headquarters.html)
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slams Amazon’s imminent arrival in Queens (https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/11/13/18091104/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-amazon-hq-2-queens)
OpenStack Expands With New Projects, Canonical’s CEO Is Not Thrilled (https://www.sdxcentral.com/articles/news/openstack-expands-with-new-projects-canonicals-ceo-is-not-thrilled-about-it/2018/11/?utm_source=feedblitz&utm_medium=FeedBlitzRss&utm_campaign=sdxcentral)
Red Hat Squeezes OpenStack, OpenShift Closer Together (https://www.sdxcentral.com/articles/news/red-hat-squeezes-openstack-openshift-closer-together/2018/11/?utm_source=feedblitz&utm_medium=FeedBlitzRss&utm_campaign=sdxcentral)
OpenStack expands focus beyond the IaaS cloud (https://www.zdnet.com/article/openstack-expands-focus-beyond-the-iaas-cloud/#ftag=RSSbaffb68)
The Foundation keeps on the plan of expanding its portfolio.
Red Hat blends Kubernetes into Red Hat OpenStack Platform 14 (https://www.zdnet.com/article/red-hat-blends-kubernetes-into-red-hat-openstack-platform-14/)
Coder: $4.5M Series Seed Announcement – Coder – Medium (https://medium.com/coderhq/coder-4-5m-series-seed-announcement-919b6e713441)
Sponsored by DataDog
This episode is sponsored by Datadog and this week Datadog wants you to know about Watchdog.
Watchdog automatically detects performance problems in your applications without any manual setup or configuration. By continuously examining application performance data, it identifies anomalies, like a sudden spike in hit rate, that could otherwise have remained invisible. Once an anomaly is detected, Watchdog provides you with all the relevant information you need to get to the root cause faster, such as stack traces, error messages, and related issues from the same timeframe.
Sign up for a free trial (https://www.datadog.com/softwaredefinedtalk) today at https://www.datadog.com/softwaredefinedtalk and tell them your friends at Software Defined Talk sent you.
Stamps set for largest-ever price increase in January 2019 (https://www.al.com/news/2018/11/stamps-set-for-largest-ever-price-increase-in-january-2019.html)
The Poddys (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YEmeXsknE4)
Conferences, et. al.
Nov 20th, London: Dell Tech Forum UK (https://www.delltechnologies.com/en-gb/events/forum/index.htm?reference=social-twitter&cmp=soc-dtf&dgc=SM&cid=170771&lid=spr1894188567&linkId=59555999) - Coté speaking with the pro-Pivotal knob on 11.
Dec 6th, Warsaw - Meetup in Warsaw, Coté talking about enterprise architects, 3rd round (https://www.meetup.com/Warsaw-Cloud-Native-Meetup/events/256202658),
Dec 8th, Lublin Poland - J-Santa (https://j-santa.pl/en.html).
Dec 12th and 13th, Toronto - SpringTour Toronto (http://springonetour.io/2018/toronto), Coté MC’ing doing open spaces. He won’t be at the Paris one, Dec 4th and 5th (http://springonetour.io/2018/paris) which is stupid planning on his part.
2019, a city near you: The 2019 SpringTours are posted (http://springonetour.io/). Coté will be speaking at many of these, hopefully all the ones in EMEA. They’re free and all about programming and DevOps things. Free lunch and stickers!
## Get a Free SDT T-Shirt
Write an iTunes review of SDT and get a free SDT T-Shirt. We can only send ship T-Shirts within the Continental United States. Sorry International listeners. Here is what you need to do:
Write an ITunes Review on the SDT iTunes Page. (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/software-defined-talk/id893738521?mt=2)
Send an email to [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) and include the following:
Your T-Shirt Size
Preferred Color (Light Blue, Gray, Black)
Username you used to write the iTunes review
Postal address
First come, first serve. while supplies last!
Advertise your company on Software Defined Talk (https://www.softwaredefinedtalk.com/about)
Listener Feedback
Ryan from Slack proposes that true borders of the South are dictated by where Sweet Tea is served.
Yogi Rampuria found Coté by the sound of his voice and asked for 20 stickers.
## SDT news & hype
Join us in Slack (http://www.softwaredefinedtalk.com/slack).
Send your postal address to [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) and we will send you a sticker.
Listen to this week’s Software Defined Interviews Podcast with Zane Rockenbaugh (https://www.softwaredefinedinterviews.com/76)
Software Defined Talk Members Only Podcast now for free! (http://cote.coffee/howtotech/)
Brandon built the Quick Concall iPhone App (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/quick-concall/id1399948033?mt=8) and he wants you to buy it for $0.99.
Reply All: The Snapchat Thief (https://www.gimletmedia.com/reply-all/130-lizard#episode-player)
Introducing CYBER: A Hacking Podcast by Motherboard (https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/59vpnx/introducing-cyber-a-hacking-podcast-by-motherboard).
Chaos Monkeys (https://www.audible.com/pd/Chaos-Monkeys-Revised-Edition-Audiobook/B07DFM9W2V?ref=a_author_An_c9_lProduct_1_1&pf_rd_p=e9e52ec0-c05e-4911-8746-2586073224ad&pf_rd_r=J2R1HQFDRVPEWCPBQH9K&).
Coté: I Am Dynamite!: A Life of Nietzsche (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/37707826-i-am-dynamite).

Hybrid cloud and kubernetes with Cisco, and the latest beard analysis from the OpenStack community, and some spontaneous ERP and ethics of Facebook meandering - all this week in our power episode!

Relevant to your interests

Cisco Introduces First Hybrid Kubernetes Platform Support For Amazon EKS

“The Cisco Hybrid Solution for Kubernetes on AWS enables configuration of the Kubernetes-based Cisco Container Platform optimized for ease of deploying applications on Kubernetes across either Cisco-based on-premises infrastructure or the Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (Amazon EKS).”
I’m pretty sure this means Active Directory now works with k8s:

The style, diction, and tone of this piece is some classic power-marketing, e.g., “first,” “only,” “Enterprises have been forced to make a tradeoff in these choices that they would rather avoid.” Also, notice the “I HAVE BEEN TELLING YOU THIS” side-notes here and there.
Cisco’s site on it, and press release.

Developer value-propin’, from the Cisco PR quote: “Now, developers can use existing investments to build new cloud-scale applications that fuel business innovation.” And, elsewhere: “Public clouds provide developers with platforms for rapidly developing and deploying applications, yet most enterprises have their own data centers that house important workloads. That’s why hybrid cloud is a requirement for most enterprises.”
Well, at least their straight-up on pricing: “Pricing for software-only subscriptions will start at approximately $65,000 per year for a typical entry-level configuration. On AWS, customers pay $0.20 per hour for each Amazon EKS cluster that they create in addition to the AWS resources (e.g. Amazon EC2 instances or Amazon Elastic Block Store volumes) they create to run Kubernetes worker nodes.”

SAP snaps up Qualtrics for $8B days before its expected IPO, will keep Seattle office: “Qualtrics offers software-as-a-service that companies use to measure and manage their reputations with current and prospective customers as well as a similar service for internal use managing employees.”

Report: Vista Equity Partners poised to pay $1.9 billion in private-equity deal for Apptio

Report: Amazon picks New York and Northern Virginia for HQ2

Google went down after traffic was routed through China and Russia

Amazon Announces New York and Virginia as HQ2 Picks

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slams Amazon’s imminent arrival in Queens

OpenStack Expands With New Projects, Canonical’s CEO Is Not Thrilled

Red Hat Squeezes OpenStack, OpenShift Closer Together

OpenStack expands focus beyond the IaaS cloud

The Foundation keeps on the plan of expanding its portfolio.

Red Hat blends Kubernetes into Red Hat OpenStack Platform 14

Coder: $4.5M Series Seed Announcement – Coder – Medium

Sponsored by DataDog

This episode is sponsored by Datadog and this week Datadog wants you to know about Watchdog.

Watchdog automatically detects performance problems in your applications without any manual setup or configuration. By continuously examining application performance data, it identifies anomalies, like a sudden spike in hit rate, that could otherwise have remained invisible. Once an anomaly is detected, Watchdog provides you with all the relevant information you need to get to the root cause faster, such as stack traces, error messages, and related issues from the same timeframe.

Sign up for a free trial today at https://www.datadog.com/softwaredefinedtalk and tell them your friends at Software Defined Talk sent you.


Stamps set for largest-ever price increase in January 2019
The Poddys

Conferences, et. al.

Nov 20th, London: Dell Tech Forum UK - Coté speaking with the pro-Pivotal knob on 11.
Dec 6th, Warsaw - Meetup in Warsaw, Coté talking about enterprise architects, 3rd round,
Dec 8th, Lublin Poland - J-Santa.
Dec 12th and 13th, Toronto - SpringTour Toronto, Coté MC’ing doing open spaces. He won’t be at the Paris one, Dec 4th and 5th which is stupid planning on his part.
2019, a city near you: The 2019 SpringTours are posted. Coté will be speaking at many of these, hopefully all the ones in EMEA. They’re free and all about programming and DevOps things. Free lunch and stickers!
## Get a Free SDT T-Shirt
Write an iTunes review of SDT and get a free SDT T-Shirt. We can only send ship T-Shirts within the Continental United States. Sorry International listeners. Here is what you need to do:

Write an ITunes Review on the SDT iTunes Page.
Send an email to [email protected] and include the following:

Your T-Shirt Size
Preferred Color (Light Blue, Gray, Black)
Username you used to write the iTunes review
Postal address

First come, first serve. while supplies last!

Advertise your company on Software Defined Talk

Listener Feedback

Ryan from Slack proposes that true borders of the South are dictated by where Sweet Tea is served.
Yogi Rampuria found Coté by the sound of his voice and asked for 20 stickers.
## SDT news & hype
Join us in Slack.
Send your postal address to [email protected] and we will send you a sticker.
Listen to this week’s Software Defined Interviews Podcast with Zane Rockenbaugh
Software Defined Talk Members Only Podcast now for free!
Brandon built the Quick Concall iPhone App and he wants you to buy it for $0.99.



Reply All: The Snapchat Thief
Introducing CYBER: A Hacking Podcast by Motherboard.
Chaos Monkeys.

Coté: I Am Dynamite!: A Life of Nietzsche.

Sponsored By:

Datadog Free Trial: This episode is sponsored by Datadog, a monitoring platform for cloud-scale infrastructure and applications. Built by engineers, for engineers, Datadog provides visibility into more than 200 technologies, including AWS, Chef, and Docker, with built-in metric dashboards and automated alerts. With end-to-end request tracing, Datadog provides visibility into your applications and their underlying infrastructure—all in one place. Sign up for a free trial today!