With Coté worn out from travel and confused with expenses, we talk about the unique-ish problems of selling software to government agencies. There's 6 problems they have, and three types of motivation for changing up their enterprise software. We also (mostly ignorantly) talk about Cloudera and Hortonworks merging, as well as filing expenses.
Relevant to your interests
SpringOne Platform news, see podcast (https://soundcloud.com/pivotalconversations/everyones-getting-better-at-software-highlights-from-springone-platform-2018).
The Woman Bringing Civility to Open Source Projects (https://www.wired.com/story/woman-bringing-civility-to-open-source-projects/)
Linux now dominates Azure (https://www.zdnet.com/google-amp/article/linux-now-dominates-azure/)
Oracle says Kurian has resigned as president three weeks after he left to take time off (https://www.cnbc.com/2018/09/28/oracle-says-kurian-has-resigned-three-weeks-after-taking-time-off.html)
eBooks vs. Whitepapers: Which Performs Best? (https://www.cmswire.com/content-marketing/ebooks-vs-whitepapers-which-performs-best/?utm_source=cmswire.com&utm_medium=web-rss&utm_campaign=cm&utm_content=all-articles-rss)
Cloudera, Hortonworks Stocks Soar as the Big-Data Rivals Announce a $5.2B Merger (https://www.google.com/amp/amp.timeinc.net/fortune/2018/10/03/cloudera-hortonworks-stock-soar-merger)
DXC Technology Scoops Up Small Texas Design Firm (https://www.crn.com/news/channel-programs/dxc-technology-scoops-up-small-texas-design-firm)
China Used a Tiny Chip in a Hack That Infiltrated U.S. Companies (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2018-10-04/the-big-hack-how-china-used-a-tiny-chip-to-infiltrate-america-s-top-companies?srnd=premium)
Sponsored by DataDog
This episode is sponsored by Datadog and this week Datadog wants you to know about Watchdog.
Watchdog automatically detects performance problems in your applications without any manual setup or configuration. By continuously examining application performance data, it identifies anomalies, like a sudden spike in hit rate, that could otherwise have remained invisible. Once an anomaly is detected, Watchdog provides you with all the relevant information you need to get to the root cause faster, such as stack traces, error messages, and related issues from the same timeframe.
Sign up for a free trial (https://www.datadog.com/softwaredefinedtalk) today at https://www.datadog.com/softwaredefinedtalk and tell them your friends at Software Defined Talk sent you.
Conferences, et. al.
Oct 16th - DevOpsDays Paris (https://www.devopsdays.org/events/2018-paris/welcome/) - Coté at a table. Pivotal will have a raffle!
Oct 17th - JDriven Managers summit (https://www.jdriven.com/events/) - near Amsterdam - Coté talking.
Oct 10th to 11th - Cloud Expo Asia (https://www.cloudexpoasia.com/cloud-asia-2018) - Matt’s presenting!
Oct 11th to 12th - DevOps Days Singapore (https://www.devopsdays.org/events/2018-singapore/) - Matt’s keynoting & igniting!
Oct 22nd - Milan! Pivotal Cloud Native Tour (https://connect.pivotal.io/milan_cloud_native_advocate_22oct.html) - free to attend! Coté and Jakob get your all cloud natived up!
Oct 31st - Coté speaking at New Relic’s FutureStack Amsterdam (https://web.cvent.com/event/23ce37e7-6077-42f5-8015-4a47a0cee30d/summary).
Nov 3rd to Nov 12th - SpringOne Tour (https://springonetour.io/) - all over the earth! Coté will be MC’ing Beijing Nov 3rd, Seoul Nov 8th, Tokyo Nov 6th, and Singapore Nov 12th (https://springonetour.io/2018/singapore).
Nov 14th to 16th - Devoxx Belgium (https://devoxx.be/), Antwerp. Coté’s presenting on enterprise architecture (https://dvbe18.confinabox.com/talk/ASN-9274/Rethinking_enterprise_architecture_for_DevOps,_agile,_&_cloud_native_organizations).
Dec 12th and 13th - SpringTour Toronto (http://springonetour.io/2018/toronto), Coté.
Costco's secret weapon: Food courts and $1.50 hot dogs (https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/04/business/costco-food-court-prices/index.html)
SDT news & hype
Join us in Slack (http://www.softwaredefinedtalk.com/slack).
Subscribe to Software Defined Interviews Podcast (http://www.softwaredefinedinterviews.com/) - Cote on Tech Evangelism (http://www.softwaredefinedinterviews.com/75)
CashedOut.coffee podcast (http://www.cashedout.coffee/).
Send your postal address to [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) and we will send you a sticker.
Brandon built the Quick Concall iPhone App (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/quick-concall/id1399948033?mt=8) and he wants you to buy it for $0.99.
Brandon: What Really Happened (http://jenkspod.com/) Podcast.
How Social Security Numbers Became A Form Of National Identification (https://www.npr.org/2018/03/22/596180023/how-social-security-numbers-became-a-form-of-national-identification)
Coté: Dopper water bottles (https://dopper.com/). AMS security.

With Coté worn out from travel and confused with expenses, we talk about the unique-ish problems of selling software to government agencies. There's 6 problems they have, and three types of motivation for changing up their enterprise software. We also (mostly ignorantly) talk about Cloudera and Hortonworks merging, as well as filing expenses.

Relevant to your interests

SpringOne Platform news, see podcast.
The Woman Bringing Civility to Open Source Projects
Linux now dominates Azure
Oracle says Kurian has resigned as president three weeks after he left to take time off
eBooks vs. Whitepapers: Which Performs Best?
Cloudera, Hortonworks Stocks Soar as the Big-Data Rivals Announce a $5.2B Merger
DXC Technology Scoops Up Small Texas Design Firm
China Used a Tiny Chip in a Hack That Infiltrated U.S. Companies

Sponsored by DataDog

This episode is sponsored by Datadog and this week Datadog wants you to know about Watchdog.

Watchdog automatically detects performance problems in your applications without any manual setup or configuration. By continuously examining application performance data, it identifies anomalies, like a sudden spike in hit rate, that could otherwise have remained invisible. Once an anomaly is detected, Watchdog provides you with all the relevant information you need to get to the root cause faster, such as stack traces, error messages, and related issues from the same timeframe.

Sign up for a free trial today at https://www.datadog.com/softwaredefinedtalk and tell them your friends at Software Defined Talk sent you.

Conferences, et. al.

Oct 16th - DevOpsDays Paris - Coté at a table. Pivotal will have a raffle!
Oct 17th - JDriven Managers summit - near Amsterdam - Coté talking.
Oct 10th to 11th - Cloud Expo Asia - Matt’s presenting!
Oct 11th to 12th - DevOps Days Singapore - Matt’s keynoting & igniting!
Oct 22nd - Milan! Pivotal Cloud Native Tour - free to attend! Coté and Jakob get your all cloud natived up!
Oct 31st - Coté speaking at New Relic’s FutureStack Amsterdam.
Nov 3rd to Nov 12th - SpringOne Tour - all over the earth! Coté will be MC’ing Beijing Nov 3rd, Seoul Nov 8th, Tokyo Nov 6th, and Singapore Nov 12th.
Nov 14th to 16th - Devoxx Belgium, Antwerp. Coté’s presenting on enterprise architecture.
Dec 12th and 13th - SpringTour Toronto, Coté.


Costco's secret weapon: Food courts and $1.50 hot dogs

SDT news & hype

Join us in Slack.
Subscribe to Software Defined Interviews Podcast - Cote on Tech Evangelism
CashedOut.coffee podcast.
Send your postal address to [email protected] and we will send you a sticker.
Brandon built the Quick Concall iPhone App and he wants you to buy it for $0.99.


Brandon: What Really Happened Podcast.

How Social Security Numbers Became A Form Of National Identification

Coté: Dopper water bottles. AMS security.

Sponsored By:

Datadog Free Trial: This episode is sponsored by Datadog, a monitoring platform for cloud-scale infrastructure and applications. Built by engineers, for engineers, Datadog provides visibility into more than 200 technologies, including AWS, Chef, and Docker, with built-in metric dashboards and automated alerts. With end-to-end request tracing, Datadog provides visibility into your applications and their underlying infrastructure—all in one place. Sign up for a free trial today!