We finally get to the bottom of what this kubernetes thing is and is not, thanks to guest co-host, Andrew Clay Shafer (https://twitter.com/littleidea). There is no co-host shortage.
Pre-roll SDT news & hype
Jan 16th, first Live Recording (https://www.meetup.com/CloudAustin/events/mzfzwnyxcbvb/) in Austin Texas - guest co-host Tasty Meats Paul (https://twitter.com/pczarkowski).
Join us in Slack (http://www.softwaredefinedtalk.com/slack), subscribe the newsletter (https://softwaredefinedtalk.us1.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=ce6149b4008d62a08093a4fa6&id=5877922e21), and pay-up for our members only podcast (https://www.patreon.com/sdt).
This week In k8s - Confularity at Kublecon
KubeCon (http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/kubecon-and-cloudnativecon-north-america) - that a thing?
As Kubernetes matures, the cloud-native movement turns its attention to the service mesh (https://www.geekwire.com/2017/kubernetes-matures-cloud-native-movement-turns-attention-service-mesh/) - climb the stack!
List of announcements (https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/12/07/kubernetes_tasting_menu_for_devops_types/), from The Register.
“We’ve built Conduit from the ground up to be the fastest, lightest, simplest, and most secure service mesh in the world” (https://buoyant.io/2017/12/05/introducing-conduit/) - well, I guess we can all pack it up and go home.
Intel and Hyper partner with the OpenStack Foundation to launch the Kata Containers project (https://techcrunch.com/2017/12/05/intel-and-hyper-partner-with-the-openstack-foundation-to-launch-the-kata-containers-project/)
Datadog survey (https://www.datadoghq.com/container-orchestration/).
Heptio has DR in Azure (https://siliconangle.com/blog/2017/12/07/heptio-brings-disaster-recovery-tool-ark-microsofts-azure-container-service/) - file under, “oh, I assumed k8s already did that kind of thing…”
Relevant to your interests
You’re not doing agile (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/12/11/you_say_you_are_doing_devops/) - Coté’s Christmas bonus column.
Whole bunch of SpringOne Platform videos being posted (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAdzTan_eSPQ2uPeB0bByiIUMLVAhrPHL&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWVdGak9URXdPVGxrTTJSbCIsInQiOiJQcXNRc3RWZFRXVTlDbnhuNWYwWmV3a2p3V0ZtVkkrZ1pBdGcxcTlUR1Z5WERIRFgrMnd4N0Q3WE9qWTQ4MzhVQ0I3NThDS1ZRM2VpYnNraGRBMXhcLzE0eHpYNWZvYWtkSlJWQkZWUDVQUm1rTXZpaGNBc3liVzg4Rnh4WmJzRXgifQ%3D%3D&disable_polymer=true) - hey, obviously there’s some hustle, but it’s rich in actual case studies and enterprises talking about how they figured out sucking less.
Related: receipts considered stupid (http://www.businessinsider.com/american-express-mastercard-kill-receipt-signatures-2017-12) - Matt gets tremendous eye rolls from everywhere outside the US when it asks for a signature
Planview buys LeanKit (http://www.planview.com/company/press-releases/planview-extends-work-and-resource-management-platform-into-lean-and-agile-with-acquisition-of-leankit/).
Why do I keep seeing “quantum computing” everywhere. Shouldn’t we figure out “computing” first?
Update on Dell financials (http://www.crn.com/slide-shows/data-center/300096621/crn-exclusive-michael-dell-on-completing-the-emc-integration-ma-strategy-vmware-nsx-synergies-and-refocusing-on-storage-in-2018.htm/pgno/0/7): "You look at our balance sheet, you see $18 billion in cash and investments. We paid down to close $10 billion since the combination with EMC and VMware. For the third quarter, we had $19.6 billion in revenue and $2.3 billion in EBITDA.”
Conferences, et. al.
It’s the end of the year, not many conferences left.
Dec 19th, 2017 - Coté will be doing a tiny talk at CloudAustin on December 19th (https://www.meetup.com/CloudAustin/events/244459662/).
Jan 16th, 2018 - live SDT recording at CloudAustin on Jan 16th, 2018 (https://www.meetup.com/CloudAustin/events/244102686/), Coté, Brandon, Tasty Meats Paul](https://twitter.com/pczarkowski).
May 15th to 18th, 2018 - Coté talking EA at Continuous Lifecycle London (https://continuouslifecycle.london/sessions/the-death-of-enterprise-architecture-defeating-the-devops-microservices-and-cloud-native-assassins/).
Brandon: Long Shot (https://www.netflix.com/title/80182115), Netflix; Presentations: Ten Year Futures (https://www.ben-evans.com/benedictevans/2017/11/29/presentation-ten-year-futures?utm_source=Benedict%27s+newsletter&utm_campaign=74e4152c08-Benedict%27s+Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_4999ca107f-74e4152c08-70424493), Ben Evans.
Coté: finally got that AAdvantage Executive (https://thepointsguy.com/guide/citi-aadvantage-executive-review/) card.
Andrew: principals sections in the Google SRE book (http://amzn.to/2z3Odti) (still free (https://landing.google.com/sre/book.html)!). Kubernetes Up and Running (http://amzn.to/2yiI9JK). Badass (http://amzn.to/2z4rn4J). Paper on ML indexing stuff (https://arxiv.org/abs/1712.01208). Special Guest: Andrew Clay Shafer.

We finally get to the bottom of what this kubernetes thing is and is not, thanks to guest co-host, Andrew Clay Shafer. There is no co-host shortage.

Pre-roll SDT news & hype

Jan 16th, first Live Recording in Austin Texas - guest co-host Tasty Meats Paul.
Join us in Slack, subscribe the newsletter, and pay-up for our members only podcast.

This week In k8s - Confularity at Kublecon

KubeCon - that a thing?
As Kubernetes matures, the cloud-native movement turns its attention to the service mesh - climb the stack!
List of announcements, from The Register.
“We’ve built Conduit from the ground up to be the fastest, lightest, simplest, and most secure service mesh in the world” - well, I guess we can all pack it up and go home.
Intel and Hyper partner with the OpenStack Foundation to launch the Kata Containers project
Datadog survey.
Heptio has DR in Azure - file under, “oh, I assumed k8s already did that kind of thing…”

Relevant to your interests

You’re not doing agile - Coté’s Christmas bonus column.
Whole bunch of SpringOne Platform videos being posted - hey, obviously there’s some hustle, but it’s rich in actual case studies and enterprises talking about how they figured out sucking less.
Related: receipts considered stupid - Matt gets tremendous eye rolls from everywhere outside the US when it asks for a signature
Planview buys LeanKit.
Why do I keep seeing “quantum computing” everywhere. Shouldn’t we figure out “computing” first?
Update on Dell financials: "You look at our balance sheet, you see $18 billion in cash and investments. We paid down to close $10 billion since the combination with EMC and VMware. For the third quarter, we had $19.6 billion in revenue and $2.3 billion in EBITDA.”

Conferences, et. al.

It’s the end of the year, not many conferences left.
Dec 19th, 2017 - Coté will be doing a tiny talk at CloudAustin on December 19th.
Jan 16th, 2018 - live SDT recording at CloudAustin on Jan 16th, 2018, Coté, Brandon, Tasty Meats Paul](https://twitter.com/pczarkowski).
May 15th to 18th, 2018 - Coté talking EA at Continuous Lifecycle London.


Brandon: Long Shot, Netflix; Presentations: Ten Year Futures, Ben Evans.

Coté: finally got that AAdvantage Executive card.

Andrew: principals sections in the Google SRE book (still free!). Kubernetes Up and Running. Badass. Paper on ML indexing stuff.

Special Guest: Andrew Clay Shafer.

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