JJ Asghar (https://twitter.com/jjasghar) from Chef (https://www.chef.io/) explains how he found his way into DevOps and why DevOps makes Christmas better. We also discuss the latest news about Uber's security breach (https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/02/07/uber_quit_github_for_custom_code_after_2016_data_breach/) and how it could have been prevented. Finally, we find time to talk about gas grills, building Linux from scratch and what it takes to be an Eagle Scout.
One more thing, we also explain how JJ got his nickname "NOSSHJJ."
JJ wants you to go to ChefConf (https://chefconf.chef.io/) in Chicago May 22-25. Tell him his friends at Software Defined Interviews sent you.
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JJ Asghar from Chef explains how he found his way into DevOps and why DevOps makes Christmas better. We also discuss the latest news about Uber's security breach and how it could have been prevented. Finally, we find time to talk about gas grills, building Linux from scratch and what it takes to be an Eagle Scout.

One more thing, we also explain how JJ got his nickname "NO_SSH_JJ."

JJ wants you to go to ChefConf in Chicago May 22-25. Tell him his friends at Software Defined Interviews sent you.

More stuff from us:

Listen to our other podcast Software Defined Talk
Subscribe to the Newsletter
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Buy a Software Defined Talk T-Shirt use code SDTFSG for 20% off.
Send your name and address to [email protected] and get a free laptop sticker!

Special Guest: JJ Asghar.

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