When you travel, people have a lot of thoughts about Texas.

When you travel, people have a lot of thoughts about Texas.


Skype Call RecorderTopic listThat podcast we used to do“You may all go to hell and I will go to Texas.” — It was Davy Crockett."Don't mess with Texas" — “The campaign is credited with reducing litter on Texas highways roughly 72% between 1986 and 1990.” O'Tacos — Panini "tacos" in Paris.Cooper's now in AustinThe Splendid Table with Lynne Rossetto KasperOriginal My Little Pony theme songSouth American pan pipe soundsHouston, Dallas, and San Antonio are top 10 US cities, by population — Austin is #11.Who invented the breakfast taco?Header image of blue bonnets from rubengarciajrphotography