In this new series of Society matters, Aston University brings you Dr Danny Fitzpatrick's Society matters LIVE talk as well as a taster of the next event at Cafe Artum in Hockley Social Club with Profesor Helen Wood.

Join Danny as he explores the reason why football is becoming more political in the 21st century. Instead of focusing on the right and wrongs of each individual debate, this session will analyse how political theory can help us answer this question. 

If you fancy catching up on Danny's previous Society matters episode, click here.

The talk took place on Thursday 30 November 2023.

Next up, is Reality Television: Who cares?

We consider the new landscape for reality television production which demands a more caring environment.

After high-profile suicides and a Parliamentary enquiry, Ofcom changed the Broadcasting Code in 2021 to demand better welfare and ‘duties of care’ for participants.

Yet at the same time survey reports from unscripted production crew outline serious concerns about working conditions in reality television.  

So what does this mean for reality TV and their participants?

Professor Helen Wood and Dr Mhairi Brennan will share insights from their AHRC research project entitled ‘ReCARETV: Reality Television, Working Practices and Duties of Care’ - which considers policy, production and participation in the UK ‘unscripted’ television sector. The talk will last approximately 40 minutes and will be followed by a Q&A/discussion.

The talk will take place at Cafe Artum on Thursday 29 February from 1730-1900 hrs (doors open at 1700 hrs).

For more ticket information, click here

To catch up on all Society matters episodes, click here.

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