Joining us from Seattle are Jade and Megan, two members of Seattle DSA. Jade is also a member of the national Afrosocialist Socialist of Color Caucus (AfroSoc Caucus) and is also a co-chair of Seattle DSA’s Anti-Racist Co-Conspirators Caucus (ARC). Megan is co-chair of SDSA Council district 3, co-chair of the Seattle AfroSoc caucus. We talk about reparations, class reductionism, restorative justice, and the necessity of open and frank conversation.

Joining us from Seattle are Jade and Megan, two members of Seattle DSA. Jade is also a member of the national Afrosocialist Socialist of Color Caucus (AfroSoc Caucus) and is also a co-chair of Seattle DSA’s Anti-Racist Co-Conspirators Caucus (ARC). Megan is co-chair of SDSA Council district 3, co-chair of the Seattle AfroSoc caucus. We talk about reparations, class reductionism, restorative justice, and the necessity of open and frank conversation.

If you want to find out more about what Seattle DSA be sure to check out their website and @SeattleDsa. If you want to learn more about what the Seattle AfroSoc caucus is up to give them a follow at @seattleAFROSOC and for more about the national caucus check out @AFROSOCDSA. While ARC doesn’t have any social media yet keep an eye out for future accounts.