Heather Caplan is an anti-diet weight-inclusive registered dietitian. She hosts the podcast RD Real Talk, covering a range of topics related to anti-diet and weight-inclusive work. In her virtual private practice, she specializes in disodered eating and bringing intuitive eating to athletes and parents. She's also the founder of Weight Inclusive Nutrition and Dietetics, aka WIND, and co-founder of the Lane 9 Project—a virtual community for athletes experiencing hypothalamic amenorrhea. Her work has been featured on the TODAY show, and in the Washington Post, Outside magazine, EatingWell, and Runner's World. You can find her online at heathercaplan.com, or hang with her on Instagram @RDRealTalk. Discussed in this episode: --Heather on the TODAY Show --Orthorexia in athletes  --Hypothalamic amenorrhea --Non-diet and anti-diet --Intuitive Eating --Heath at Every Size (trademark) --BMI is STUPID --Weight stigma and fat phobia --"Everything you know about obesity is wrong," Michael Hobbes HuffPost Article  Quote: “I try to recognize that me showing up in a space with a straight-sized body, and white privilege, and cis-gender privilege, etc., brings a certain tone to the message…as a thin or straight-sized person talking about intuitive eating or talking about weight-inclusive care, I might make that message more palatable to someone because I present as their version of health. I’ve learned how important it is for me to not take up that space and to bring folks in who have different lived experiences than I do.” Follow Heather: Instagram Twitter Follow Social Sport: Website  Instagram Facebook Twitter  *This episode is sponsored by Paper Trails Greeting Co. Use code SOCIALSPORT for 15% off your order at papertrailsgreetingco.com. 


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