Aliya Tyus-Barnwell is a New York City based writer, cyclist, and the founder and president of the nonprofit Ride Up Grades. She got her start doing cycling work as an Instructor at Bike New York. As a road cyclist she wanted to pass the freedom she found there on to riders in neighborhoods that lacked any bike programs; the closest Bike New York program to her Crown Heights neighborhood was too far for any youth to walk. Getting to a bike program for someone in her neighborhood required taking trains and/or buses. Further, there were no *free* public road bike programs for youth in her city - they either cost money or are limited to specific schools. Aliya strives to get more kids into bike racing, but also into commuting, and any other biking forms and disciplines.

Discussed in this episode: 

--Brooklyn Red Caps cycling group 

--Black Girls do Bike 

--Brown Bike Girl

--Major Taylor Iron Riders, Aliya's team

--Bike New York 

--Consumerism in cycling

--"There are already many Black cyclists, we just overlook them," Aliya's article in VeloNews

--Cycling Industry Pledge (CIP) 

--Ride Up Grades Race Scholarship

--Ride Up Grades Scholarship winners: Travis and Umut

--Trek Summer Camp


--I Challenge Myself 

--Comproller, Scott Stringer bike-to-school announcement 


"We’ve given into the consumerist mindset that a cyclist is this genre box that you get to check off when you sign up for Cycling Magazine or when you are checking into a cycling event. Really, anybody who rides a bike is a cyclist.”

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