Are you getting the most out of Pinterest for public relations?

In this episode, find out how to optimize your Pinterest page, organizational skills, and much more. Lisa Buyer and Cathy Hackl talk with Pinterest powerhouse, Kim Vij. Kim Vij is a Pinterest consultant, blogger, freelance writer, speaker, and educator who shares all of her secret hacks to success for Pinterest and PR. 

Kim Vij discusses how exactly you can optimize your Pinterest and different tools you can use. Pinterest doesn’t just have to be a fun social media platform, but a tool you can use for your business and its success. Some tips and tricks Kim mentions are being on their daily, taking advantage of secret boards for planning, and scheduling out your posts. Tune in to hear more about how to use Pinterest to market your brand and become a Pinterest powerhouse yourself. 

“A pin that has already has done well, will do far better once you promote it” - Kim Vij

Some topics discussed in this episode include:

Pinterest hashtags
Organic content and Pinterest
Tips to optimize 
Tools for success
Importance of scheduling
Graphics are everything
Influencers and Pinterest
Group boards
Popular on Pinterest

Contact Kim 

Kim’s LinkedIn
Kim’s Website
Kim’s Pinterest 
Kim’s Instagram

More from Kim

Educatorsspinofit Website
Book 100 Fun and Easy Learning Games for Kids

References and Links Mentioned


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