Are you putting your best foot forward on your LinkedIn profile? Jason Miller says you should pay attention to seven tricks to optimize your profile.

Jason Miller, a former LinkedIn employee, was in charge of content strategy when this interview took place in 2015. He is now in charge of brand building with Microsoft advertising. In this episode, Lisa and Jason discuss how to have success with LinkedIn and how to make the most out of the platform.

This 2015 interview gives you tips from a LinkedIn employee that are still applicable today, including how to make the most out of your LinkedIn profile. 

What should your LinkedIn profile look like? What should it not have? Find out what you may be doing wrong in your profile that may be holding you back. Don’t just survive in the LinkedIn world, but thrive! 

“People spend time on other social networks, but INVEST time in LinkedIn.” - Jason Miller

The main tips discussed in this episode include:

Have a Linkedin company page
Showcase Pages: Some companies such as Moz have great showcase pages where you can show off your content.
Sponsored Updates
Publishing Platform of LinkedIn Content

Contact Jason Miller:

Jason’s Facebook
Jason’s Instagram
Jason’s Twitter
Jason’s LinkedIn

More from Jason: 


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